Abortion Conscience protection Human embryos Legislation Politics Presidential Actions Stem cell research Taxpayer funding

Why abortion is still the most important political issue

UFL member, O. Carter Snead (Notre Dame), has a terrific new article on the Public Discourse blog, Protect the Weak and Vulnerable: The Primacy of the Life Issue. In the article, he first establishes that the debates over abortion and embryo destructive research are really about membership in the human family and the reach of […]

Abortion Bioethics Conscience protection Death and dying Euthanasia Health Care Reform Politics

Important series on major issues for 2012 election

Today Public Discourse introduced a ten-part series examining the ten key issues that should shape voters’ decisions in the 2012 election. Ryan T. Anderson explains the structure of the series in “Liberty, Justice, and the Common Good:Political Principles for 2012 and Beyond.” I suspect almost all of the essays will interest UFL members. Here is […]

Abortion Conscience protection Constitutionality Court cases

ACLU attacks KS law protecting consumers from forced insurance coverage of abortion

The ACLU of Kansas and Western Missouri has sued Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger to stop implementation of a new law (KS House Bill 2075) that prohibits insurance coverage for elective abortions, unless coverage is limited to abortions procedures “necessary to save the life of the mother.” Individuals who wish to have abortion included in […]

Abortion Conferences Conscience protection Contraception International Medical schools Nursing schools Politics Professional education United Nations Women's health

Matercare International’s 8th Worldwide Conference Soon

Registration is still open for Matercare International’s Eighth Worldwide Conference. The conference theme is the “Dignity of Mothers and Obstetricians-Who on Earth Cares.” It will be held August 31-September 4, 2011 at the Instituto Maria Bambina, Rome. The conference schedule can be found here, and registration forms here. Matercare International is an international group of […]

Abortion Bioethics Conscience protection Contraception Health Care Reform Philosophy Politics Presidential Actions

Yet another item on the Obama contraception mandate

Here is Prof. Christopher Tollefsen: “Contraception and Healthcare Rights.” I think it’s pretty carefully thought out and argued (one possible quibble based on a quick first reading would be with the “great gravity and urgency” criterion, though that probably has nothing to do with the point about contraception). And I think Tollefsen implicitly points to […]

Abortion Bioethics Conscience protection Contraception Death and dying Fetal anomolies and disabilities Medical abortion Organ Donation Philosophy Sexual practices Women's health

Speaking of the National Catholic Bioethics Center …

The new (Summer 2011) issue of their National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly arrived in my mailbox the other day. A few things of note from the contents: The “Colloquy” section includes an exchange of letters regarding an article in a previous NCBQ critical of philospher Fr. Martin Rhonheimer’s recent Vital Conflicts in Medical Ethics: A Virtue Approach to […]

Conscience protection Contraception Health Care Reform

Another resource on Obama contraceptive mandate

You might want to have a look at this National Catholic Bioethics Center statement, including its explanation of the importance of the HHS “call for comment,” lasting through September, regarding the definition of “religious employer.”

Abortion Conscience protection Presidential Actions University Faculty for Life

New SSRN posting of scholarly articles on conscience

UFL member Lynn Wardle has posted two of his articles on the need to protect the rights of conscience on SSRN. I have described SSRN in a previous post here. Professor Wardle’s article, Protection of Healthcare Providers’ Rights of Conscience in American Law: Present, Past, and Future, is part of a series of articles presented […]

Abortion Conscience protection Contraception Health Care Reform Philosophy Politics Presidential Actions Religious views Sexual practices University Faculty for Life

One more post on the contraception-coverage mandate

Yesterday I linked Helen Alvaré’s comments on the recent Obama Admin decision. Here are a couple of additional pieces. One is political scientist Michael New’s “Our Fears Are Realized.” Prof. New has presented some of his research on the effects of abortion laws at a UFL conference. Another is by Greg Pfundstein: “The Misguided Birth-Control […]

Abortion Conscience protection Contraception Health Care Reform Philosophy Religious views Sexual practices University Faculty for Life

The Obama Admin, contraception, and conscience

Rather belatedly adding my first post to the UFL blog, and following up on Richard Myers’s post just below, here are a couple of good recent pieces by Prof. Helen Alvaré – formerly of the USCCB, now of George Mason Univ. School of Law – regarding the Administration’s decision to require health insurers to cover […]