Conscience protection Contraception University Faculty for Life

The Obama Administration and conscience protection

Here is a good piece by John Garvey (President of Catholic U) on the Obama Administration’s recent threat to conscience rights.  LifeNews has two stories on the same issue: Groups: Obama Admin Decision Violates Catholic Conscience Rights and

Abortion Conscience protection Health Care Reform Taxpayer funding

Healthcare Reform and Prolife Principles

Ryan Anderson provides a brief review of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”) from the prolife perspective in Protected in Law, Cared for in Life. His key concerns deal with the Act’s apparent inclusion of abortion as healthcare for funding purposes and the failure to include protection of conscience provisions for healthcare […]

Conscience protection

British medical students support conscience rights

Here is a link to an encouraging story from about a recent poll of British medical students that finds them in favor of conscience rights. Richard M.

Abortion Bioethics Colleges and Universities Conscience protection Court cases Eugenics Feminism Feticide Health Care Reform Human embryos infanticide Law Schools Population Control Pregnancy Assistance Centers Research sites and suggestions

Reproductive Rights Blog

In 2007, Caitlin E. Borgmann, another former Center for Reproductive Rights lawyer turned law professor, established the Reproductive Rights Prof Blog. The blog contains this description of its purpose and scope: Welcome to the Reproductive Rights Prof Blog, a member of the Law Professor Blogs network. This blog aims to provide resources, news, and information […]

Abortion Canada Conscience protection Constitutionality Court cases Death and dying Europe Euthanasia Feticide infanticide International International Legislation Politics Population Control Research sites and suggestions United Nations

Great News Source on Life Issues Abroad

Marie Smith, wife of Congressman Chris Smith, runs a remarkable organization, the Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues (PNCI). PNCI coordinates efforts among members of democratically-elected legislatures – collectively known as parliamentarians – to advance respect for the inherent value, worth, and inviolable dignity of every human being from fertilization until natural death. The PNCI website […]

Conscience protection

Ms. Magazine on Conscience Rights

The Spring 2011 issue of Ms. Magazine has an article on conscience rights entitled “Treatment Denied.” According to the article, substandard care is becoming rampant in the US because of protections for conscience. I haven’t seen the full text of the article yet. Most such access claims are greatly inflated. For example, in the Storman’s […]

Conscience protection

Obama Administration Defends its Position on Conscience Rights

Here is a LifeNews report on the Obama Administration’s defense of its position on conscience rights. Richard M.

Conscience protection

Matt Bowman’s article on conscience

Here is a link to an article by Matt Bowman (of the Alliance Defense Fund) on the latest developments on conscience rights. Richard M.

Colleges and Universities Conscience protection University Faculty for Life

Ave Maria Law Review publishes symposium on conscience

The Ave Maria Law Review (Vol. 9; Issue 1)(2010) has just published a symposium on “The Future of Rights of Conscience in Health Care.” The symposium grew out of a conference that Lynn Wardle (BYU) and I organized. The conference was generously supported by University Faculty for Life and was also sponsored by the J. Reuben […]

Conscience protection

recent essays on conscience

Here are two recent essays on conscience. One (The Progressive Case for Conscience Protection) is by Rob Vischer on The Public Discourse website. The other (ACLU Has Major Misunderstanding of Abortion Conscience Law) is by Matt Bowman. Richard M.