Conscience protection

Mark Rienzi’s essay on conscience

Here is a link to Catholic U law professor Mark Rienzi’s recent essay on conscience. This essay is based on a longer article, which I have mentioned before. See This essay provides a good summary of his argument. Rienzi argues that Roe and Casey, with their emphasis on autonomy arguments, provide support  for a right to conscience.  Richard […]

Conscience protection

Obama Administration revises conscience regs

Here is the LifeNews story on the Obama Adminstration’s new conscience regulations. Here is Rob Vischer’s analysis on Mirror of Justice. Richard M.

Abortion Conscience protection

Mark Rienzi’s paper on the right to refuse to do abortions

Courtesy of Rob Vischer and the Mirror of Justice blog, here is a post on Mark Rienzi’s article on health care providers’ right to refuse to perform abortions. Mark takes a novel approach. He argues that cases such as Planned Parenthood v. Casey and Lawrence v. Texas provide support for the refusal to perform abortions. […]

Abortion Colleges and Universities Conscience protection Nursing schools Professional education Uncategorized

Vanderbilt forces nursing students to participate in abortions

That is the allegation made in a complaint filed with the Department of Health and Human Services. Here is the story. UPDATE: Apparently, Vanderbilt has responded to this complaint by making it clear that nursing students will not be required to participate in abortions.  Richard M.