
Iowa’s Governor Signs Heartbeat Law

Here is a link to a story about Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signing a law that prohibits abortions after the unborn baby has a detectable heartbeat.


AMA Ethics Committee Affirms Opposition to Physician-Assisted Suicide

Here is a link to a piece by Wesley Smith reporting on the good news that the AMA Ethics Committee has reaffirmed its opposition to the legalization of physician-assisted suicide. This is important news because changes by medical associations on this issue have been relied upon in jurisdictions that have legalized assisted suicide. This action […]


“The Push to Starve Dementia Patients Appears in the New York Times”

Here is a link to a good piece by Wesley Smith. Here is his conclusion: “It is a sign of our times that acts and omissions that only a few years ago would have epitomized elder abuse, now receives the full-court bioethical press in the Establishment ‘paper of record.’  This is precisely how radical proposals […]


Alfie Evans, R.I.P.

Here is a story on the death of Alfie Evans. Here is a good essay by Carter Snead on the whole situation. Here is an article from a few years ago by Prof. Laura Hoffman entitled “Hospital Medical Futility Policy & the Severely Disabled Child: Is Disability a Death Sentence?”  


“Alfie Evans and Our Moral Crossroads”

Here is a link to a good piece by Charles Camosy on the Alfie Evans case. Here is Camosy’s conclusion—“Enough with the deference to the medical and legal establishment and its judgements about which lives are worth living. Now is a time for choosing. The most vulnerable require our clear and uncompromising support.”


Seventh Circuit Affirms Ruling Invalidating Indiana Abortion Law

Here is a link to an April 19, 2018 opinion from the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. The court affirmed a decision from a federal district court judge invalidating provisions of Indiana’s abortion law. The provisions banned abortion when the person performing the abortion knows the woman is seeking an abortion due to disability, […]


“The Future of the Pro-Life Movement Is in Africa”

Here is a link to good essay by Stefano Gennarini. The essay explains that “[a]side from the importance of fighting ideological neocolonialism, building up the pro-life movement in Africa is essential given how politically and economically influential Africa is likely to become over the next century. Obianuju Ekeocha [, a pro-life activist whose good work Gennarini […]


“The Physician-Assisted Suicide Movement is Gaining Ground in Two Major Ways”

That is the title of a recent Public Discourse essay by Gerard T. Mundy. Here is his basic message— “First, disturbingly, some of the state and district affiliates of the American Medical Association (AMA) are changing their oppositional stances on physician-assisted suicide. Second, proponents of physician-assisted suicide have been successfully inserting euphemisms into both physicians’ […]


Hawaii legalizes assisted suicide

Here is a link to a story on BioEdge about Hawaii’s legalization of assisted suicide.


Opposition to Assisted Suicide is Still Strong in the US

Here is a link to a helpful post by Alex Schadenberg on his Euthanasia Prevention Coalition blog. He makes the point that most efforts to  legalize assisted suicide have failed and that some states have recently strengthened their laws banning assisted suicide.