
“Autonomy, Assisted Suicide, and Neil Gorsuch”

Here is a link to a very good essay by Tim Bradley. The essay is timely as we approach the confirmation hearings for Judge Gorsuch. Bradley discusses Gorsuch’s book on Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia and concludes with this assessment: “Gorsuch’s analysis of the (lack of) limits of the broad definition of protected liberty advanced in […]


AUL urges Senate to confirm Judge Gorsuch

Here is a link to a LifeNews story discussing Americans United for Life’s support for the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the United States Supreme Court.


assisted suicide in Montana

Here is a story in the National Right to Life News about assisted suicide in Montana. Assisted suicide is technically prohibited in Montana but a decision by the Montana Supreme Court in 2009 held that a doctor who assisted in the death of a terminally ill, mentally competent patient would be immune from a homicide […]


German court approves access to suicide drugs

Here is a link blog post by Alex Schadenberg on this very troubling development in Germany. Schadenberg  explains that this decision opens the door to the legalization of assisted suicide. Here is his conclusion: “It is very sad how we forget our history and once again give legal power to allow one person to be […]


Peter Singer interview and Wesley Smith’s insightful rejoinder

Here is a link to a blog post by Wesley Smith discussing a recent interview with Peter Singer. In the interview, Singer repeats his controversial views that intellectually disabled human beings are less valuable than certain animals. Any other view, Singer states, is to engage in speciesism, that is, to prefer humans over other species. […]


DC law legalizing assisted suicide is now in effect

Here is a story from about recent developments in Washington, D.C. The DC City Council passed the law legalizing assisted suicide in 2016. Congress had an opportunity to prevent the law from going into effect but failed to do so. DC joins Oregon, Washington, Vermont, California, and Colorado as jurisdictions where laws explicitly authorize assisted […]


Papers from the 2016 University Faculty for Life conference now available on-line

Many of the papers from the excellent 2016 University Faculty for Life conference held at Marquette are now available on-line at this link. Many thanks to Father Koterski S.J. for his work on editing these papers. There are several papers dealing with brain death and assisted suicide, among many other topics.


interview with Richard Doerflinger on assisted suicide and euthanasia

Here is a link to a good interview with Richard Doerflinger on physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia.


Matthew Franck’s commentary on Gosnell

Here  is link to an excellent essay by Matthew Franck entitled “Kermit Gosnell and the Ideology of Abortion on Demand.”


“Science, Embryonic Autonomy, and the Question of When Life Begins”

Here is a link to a good essay by Ana Maria Dumitru.  Here is the conclusion: “So let’s stop deflecting. It’s time to own up to the truth. Science has already affirmed what we have long since suspected: we can call them fertilized eggs, zygotes, morulas, blastocysts, products of conception, embryos, or fetuses, but that doesn’t […]