
Stith quoted in March for Life article

UFL member Richard Stith was quoted in an article by Terry Mattingly of GetReligion about the March for Life called “Define ‘hundreds,’ please: New York Times does epic job of dissin’ March For Life.” Among those in the crowd was Richard Stith, 71, an Indiana law professor who called himself a part of a segment […]


US Supreme Court refuses to review decision invalidating North Dakota’s heartbeat law

On Monday January 25, 2016, the US Supreme refused to review the 8th Circuit’s decision invalidating North Dakota’s heartbeat law. (MKB Mgmt. Corp. v. Stenehjem, 795 F. 3d 768 (8th Cir. 2015).) The North Dakota law banned abortions when the unborn child has a detectable heartbeat. The Eighth Circuit considered itself bound by the Supreme Court’s decisions […]


New poll shows Americans are increasingly pro-life

On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade and of the annual March for Life, I thought it fitting to post this recent story about increasing support for the pro-life position. New Poll Shows Americans are Pro-Life on Abortion as Roe v. Wade Turns 43


US Supreme Court refuses to hear case involving Arkansas’s Heartbeat Law

Here is a link to a LifeNews story on the Supreme Court’s January 19, 2016 refusal to review a federal court of appeals decision holding unconstitutional the Arkansas Human Heartbeat Protection Act. The Arkansas law required abortionists to perform tests to determine whether the unborn child’s heart was beating and also prohibited abortions if a heartbeat was detected […]


Scotusblog symposium on Whole Woman’s Health v. Cole.

Below is a link to a very helpful scotusblog symposium on Whole Woman’s Health v. Cole, the abortion case that will be argued before the US Supreme Court in early March of 2016. This case involves the constitutionality of a Texas abortion law requiring abortionists to have admitting privileges at local hospitals and requiring abortion clinics […]


7th Circuit invalidates Wisconsin abortion law

Here is a link to a LifeNews story on the Seventh Circuit’s decision in Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, Inc. v. Schimel. The court–by a 2-1 vote–invalidated Wisconsin’s law requiring abortionists to have admitting privileges at local hospitals. The US Supreme Court recently agreed to hear a similar case involving a Texas statute. The Seventh Circuit’s […]


Supreme Court to hear important abortion case

Here is a link to a report on Scotusblog about the Court’s grant of cert in Whole Woman’s Health v. Cole. The Court will address two provisions of a Texas statute: a requirement that the doctors who perform abortions have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their office and that abortion facilities meet the […]


California legalizes assisted suicide

Governor Brown signed the new California law legalizing assisted suicide. See Michael Cook’s column. Since the 1997 Supreme Court decisions in Washington v. Glucksberg and Vacco v. Quill rejecting constitutional challenges to laws banning assisted suicide,  proponents of the “right to die” have had only modest success in advancing their agenda. This development in California […]


Overcoming the Imaginative Barrier to Embryonic Personhood

Our immediate intuitions sometimes favor the pro-life position and sometimes oppose it. An ultrasound video of an unborn child sucking its thumb makes a case against abortion that reason hardly need supplement. But a zygote photographed just after an in vitro conception is not so easily recognizable as a human being or person. Pro-lifers often […]


Cooperation with Evil Flowchart

I just ran across this flow chart by David Rummelhoff that helps you decide whether an action you are thinking of taking is an illicit cooperation with evil. It is perhaps somewhat simplistic, as any such effort would be, but it does give one a path to follow in thinking about confusing situations. For those that aren’t […]