
UFL in the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars proceedings

I just received in the mail the proceedings from the 2013 convention of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, Freedom and the Moral Law, held in Philadelphica, PA.  It contained pieces by three UFL members: “HHS Mandate Litigation: A Supreme Court Showdown in the Making,” by William Saunders; “Exploring the Christological Nexus between the Ascetical Life and the Moral […]


Matthew Bulfin Educational Conference at Georgetown

The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists announces that registration is open for its Matthew Bulfin Educational Conference at Georgetown in February 2015.  Please see:


Euthanasia and assisted suicide researchers, FYI.

The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition recommends this research:


What Effects Would Redefining Marriage Likely Have On Children Of Heterosexuals? Testing Competing Hypotheses With European Data re: Marriage, CBOW & Abortions

Social scientists and commentators have offered opposing hypotheses about the likely effects on children of redefining marriage in genderless terms.  Some advocates of the redefinition have postulated that, by “expanding” marriage to include same-sex couples, such a redefinition would strengthen the overall marriage culture and thereby increase the percentage of children raised by two parents […]


2014 Supreme Court Abortion Rulings

2014 Supreme Court Abortion Rulings The Supreme Court of the United States has rendered on June 26th, the second of two abortion-related decisions this month.  Both rulings were victories for the pro-life advocates. In McCullen v. Coakley, ___ U.S. ___, 135 S.Ct. __ (June 26, 2014) (9-0; 5+3+1) Massachusetts’ law banning standing on a sidewalk […]


Assistance with pro-life research library

Assistance needed in working with a pro-life research library.  Responses from our members who have Library Science credentials are especially welcome.  This message was posted on the UFL group on LinkedIn and sent to the listserv as well. The collection of the research library in question has a variety of materials: over 10,000 monographs (estimate), […]


Does The Adoption Of Genderless Marriage Lead To More Abortions?

Does The Adoption Of Genderless Marriage Lead To More Abortions?   Among the six European nations that first allowed same-sex marriage—either overtly or indirectly—there appears to have been a substantial increase in abortion.  Those six nations are listed in the following chart, which shows the years in which each nation either redefined marriage in genderless […]


U.S. Teen Pregnancies, Births and Abortions Decline

A recent report by the Guttmacher Institute shows that pregnancy, birth and abortion rates of U.S. teenage women (ages 15-19) have declined significantly in the past two decades.  U.S. teen pregnancy rates reach historic lows, available at (viewed 9 May 2014).   The greatest, sharpest most profound drops have been in teen pregnancies and […]


ProVita coming soon

In the next couple of weeks I will be working on the Spring 2014 issue of ProVita, the UFL online newsletter. If you have anything you would like to see included, e-mail me at [email protected]. Items I’m looking for: News about UFL Scholarly activities of UFL members Useful online resources New research on any side of the […]


Beckwith’s Vatican talk in honor of Evangelium Vitae

Francis Beckwith’s talk, “On Making the Case for Life: St. Peter’s Counsel to Always Be Ready,” which he gave at a Vatican conference on John Paul II’s encyclical, Evangelium Vitae, was recently published in National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly (Winter, 2014). You can find a link to it on Beckwith’s blog, Return to Rome.