
Review of Gosnell’s Babies

UFL member John M. Grondelski has written a review of the e-book Gosnell’s Babies: The E-book, by Steve Volk. The review appears in the Fall 2013 issue of the Human Life Review. According to, Volk is the only journalist to have interviewed Gosnell since his conviction and imprisonment. Volk provides a more or less sympathetic look […]


The University of La Verne College of Law Law Review Symposium on February 28, 2014, focused on “Cause Lawyering.”  One of the panels focused on Reproductive Rights.  The panel of three persons consisted of a lawyer for the ACLU, a lawyer for Planned Parenthood, and Professor Lynn Wardle, a pro-life law professor and Board member […]


In Response to Belgium’s Legalization of Euthanasia for Children: the iron logic of euthanasia

Once each person is no longer taken as an unquestionable given, eventually everyone will have to show that he/she has a life of net positive value (is justified in living) in order for it to be thought reasonable for him/her to go on living. And there is no reason to think that his/her net value […]


Decline in abortion rate is great pro-life educational opportunity

We must pick up and use the fact that the abortion rate is declining, rather than get sidetracked into a fight about its immediate causes and consequences. Even if it were true (which I doubt) that the greater availability of contraceptives (rather than pro-life educational and law reform efforts) is the primary cause of this […]


Mikey Cortez and the Cortez family

I am sure that many have already read about Mikey Cortez and his loving family. I thought it was important though to include a mention of him and his family on this blog. After Mikey Cortez was injured in car crash in 1982, his family promised to always care for him. The story of their love and care […]

Abortion Constitutionality Court cases History Uncategorized

Why Roe Said what it did

Here is a link to “41 Years Later: Why Roe Said What It Did,” Justin Buckley Dyer’s summary of Clarke Forsythe’s book, Abuse of Discretion on the Library of Law and Liberty web page. Forsythe, a man who has spent his life for pro-life causes, makes a strong case for returning the issue back to American […]

Abortion Constitutionality Court cases Uncategorized

Beckwith on Roe v. Wade

For those that haven’t read it, here is a link to Frank Beckwith’s 2006 article, “The Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade, and Abortion Law,” from Liberty University Law Review. In it he argues that Roe v. Wade was in no way a “moderate” judicial opinion, although it is widely presented as such.

Abortion Medical abortion Uncategorized

chemical abortion reversal

Here is a site that promotes an abortion reversal process. Do any of our readers in the medical fiedl know anything about this? Email me at [email protected].


Priebus and the March for Life

In the past couple of years there has been a debate among Republicans about how strong the party’s official opposition to abortion should be. Some Republicans do not oppose legal abortions. Others are strongly pro-life. Others fall somewhere in between. Some have suggested recently that the GOP should downplay its pro-life plank in order to […]


March for Life/Cardinal O’Connor Conference

One of the highlights of the January March for Life is the UFL co-sponsored Cardinal O’Connor Conference. This year the student-run conference will be on Monday, January 20. “The Cardinal O’Connor Conference was founded by Georgetown students in January 2000 and renamed after the death of His Eminence, John Cardinal O’Connor, the late Archbishop of […]