
American Academy of Religion call for papers

One very large venue for presenting papers is the annual AAR/SBL meeting. This year it will be in Baltimore Nov. 23-26.  Paper proposals are due this Friday (Mar. 1), which doesn’t give you much time, but there are a LOT of areas to present in. You may already be working on something that will fit […]


Graphic images in public

One of the perennial debates among pro-life activists is whether to use graphic images of abortion in public. Recently blogger Simcha Fisher weighed in on the National Catholic Register with “Eight Reasons Not to Use Graphic Abortion Images at the March for Life.” Responding with the opposing opinion on the Pro-Life Action League web page was […]


Alabama Supreme Court ruling protects unborn children

Here is a link to a recent (January 11, 2013) ruling from the Alabama Supreme Court holding that the state’s chemical endangerment of a child law applies to protect unborn children.  The ruling came in two cases involving two women whose use of illegal drugs while pregnant caused harm to their unborn children. An […]


Roe at 40

Frank Beckwith has written a two-part essay on Roe at 40.  The first part is available on The Catholic Thing. In it he discusses the failure of the court to address the moral status of the unborn. I hope to aggregate a collection of such reflections for the next issue of the ProVita newsletter. If you […]


Time Magazine and abortion

According to, Time is running a cover story about the long defeat for pro-abortion advocates. They even include an article by pro-life advocate Emily Buchanan of the Susan B. Anthony List.  I haven’t read the issue, but it is interesting that Time is acknowledging the decline in support for unrestricted abortion. I also wonder, though, in light […]


An article on retirement communities

Homiletics and Pastoral Review recently published an article of mine called “The Catholic Identity of a Retirement Community” Because of the Catholic incorporation of natural law thinking, much of it is applicable or translatable  in non-Catholic settings, and it certainly bears on the pro-life message about the ethical treatment of the elderly.



Teresa Collett mentioned that the REPROHEALTHLAW-L listserv of the Reproductive and Sexual Health Law Programme has been replaced by the reprohealthlaw blog.  It appears to be updated once a month with substantial posts on court decisions, resources, news, fellowships and jobs, mostly from a pro-abortion perspective. You may not want a job as the Executive Director […]


The Literature of Mo Yan, Nobel Laureate

Mo Yan, who is to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature, has been a strong critic of China’s one child policy. Jeff Koloze wrote a careful analysis of “Explosions,” one of her short stories. “This paper reviews demographic considerations of abortion and the one-child policy in the People’s Republic of China which form the basis for […]


Yamanaka Nobel Prize

Two researches,  John Gurdon from the UK and Shinya Yamanaka from Japan, who pioneered the production of stem cells used for treatments out of adult cells have won the Nobel Prize ( Yamanaka was motivated by ethical concerns over embryonic stem cell research. He was once quoted as saying, “When I saw the embryo, I suddenly realized […]


Blogs for life

I would like to highlight blogs in this issue of ProVitae.  If any members write or contribute to a blog, or if you know of a blog that expecially helps us in our pro-life scholarship, please let me know. My e-mail address is available in the most recent issue of ProVita, found here.