
ECHR Ruling on abortion expected on Thursday Dec. 16

The European Court of Human Rights is expected to issue its ruling in an important abortion case from Ireland on Thursday December 16, 2010. As the LifeNews story notes, there is a possibility that the Court will dismiss the case without reaching the merits. Bill Saunders has an article in the Suummer 2010 issue of the […]


The Obama Administration is working to rescind conscience regulations

Here is a link to a LifeNews story on the Obama Administration’s efforts to rescind the conscience regulations issued in the waning days of the Bush Administration. This action wouldn’t change existing federal statutes that protect conscience rights but the Bush regulations were an important move in helping to implement the federal statutory protections. The […]


Justice Brennan’s Legacy

Here is a link to an interesting piece by Gregory Sullivan entitled “William Brennan and the Creation of a Right to Abortion.” Sullivan’s discusses the new, long-awaited biography of Justice William Brennan. Sullivan notes in particular Brennan’s key role in the development of the right to privacy that provided the basis for Roe v. Wade. Richard […]


“Preimplantation Diagnosis Makes Gains in Germany”

Here is a link to a recent article in Zenit entitled “For the Handicapped, Some are Quick to Kill; Preimplantation Diagnosis Makes Gains in Germany.” The article discusses recent developments in Germany allowing resort to preimplantation diagnosis. The pratice is prohibited by a 1991 German law protecting embryos but a recent court decision has opened […]


A Century of Eugenics

Paul A. Lombardo, the author of an important book on Buck v. Bell, see , has a new book forthcoming entitled “A Century of Eugenics in America: From the Indiana Experiment to the Human Genome Era.”  The new book, an edited collection of mainly historical essays, is scheduled for release in early 2011 by Indiana University […]


“Abortion and America’s Moral Consciousness”

That is the title of a recent piece by Maggie Datiles for the Culture of Life Foundation. In this piece, Datiles discusses “the legal and cultural battle to define pregnancy.” A particular focus is on the Obama Administration’s effort to include contraception and certain abortion drugs as “preventative care” and thus eligible for insurance coverage. Richard M.


Pro-life social networking?

A colleague has a question about social networking sites used for the purpose of communicating life-affirming news.  Although social networking sites like Facebook or LinkedIn are wonderful means to communicate pro-life ideas and events, is there a social networking site specifically run by a pro-life group (preferably a 501-c-3, tax-exempt, non-profit)?  The major social networking sites are run by for-profit companies; pro-lifers […]


Attorneys: student literary question

A law school student would like to know if there has ever been a “fake opinion” written about the Supreme Court decisions of Roe v. Wade (1973) or Casey (1992).  The student would like to write such a fictional account if it has not already been done.  Please reply to [email protected]; I will forward your […]


Freedom of Choice in Abortion Insurance (as posted in First Things blog)

Freedom of Choice in Abortion Insurance Tuesday, December 7, 2010, 12:15 PM Guest Some readers will recall that I recently argued in favor of keeping more or less the current federal healthcare insurance plan, provided that it be amended fully to exclude abortion and euthanasia, and to protect conscience. My reason was that heathcare insurance […]


Scholarship on disabilities

Ann Millett-Gallant’s “The Disabled Body in Contemporary Art” offers trenchant commentary about art works depicting the “disabled,” the outmoded and now politically-incorrect word to denote persons who have physical challenges.  Many of her statements can be useful for a life-affirming perspective towards those with disabilities whose right to life is being contested by infanticide and […]