
Democrats and euthanasia

A colleague has asked for information about the Democratic Party’s support of euthanasia.  While my colleague knows that the party supports the current US law on abortion (legal throughout the nine months of pregnancy for any reason whatsoever), he is uncertain that the party’s support for what has come to be known as “death panels” […]


Life Decisions International boycott info available by email

Life Decisions International, the group that successfully defunds abortion groups like Planned Parenthood through corporate boycotts, now makes its Caleb Report and other special reports available to members by email.  According to its website, at least 261 corporations have ceased funding Planned Parenthood for “more than $40 million.”  Persons interested in monitoring such corporate boycott activity can […]


Oregon’s assisted suicide law and doctor-shopping

Here is an interesting post from Wesley Smith about Oregon’s assisted suicide law and doctor-shopping. As Smith describes the phenomenon, doctor-shopping involves “suicidal people looking for death doctors to write the lethal prescription, with that being the only reason for the consultation–as in Jack Kevorkian.” Smith’s post discusses a recent report by a British group that […]


Colorado personhood amendment loses

The Colorado personhood amendment lost by a large margin. Here is a link to the LifeNews story. Richard M.


US-China Education Review publishing opportunity

Colleagues who presented papers at the International Association of Asian Studies earlier this year may be contacted by the US-China Education Review.  A UFL colleague will submit his paper on abortion in the works of Mo Yan and would be happy to assist others in the preparation of their work.


Literary research tip

Colleagues who conduct online research are familiar with statewide services like OhioLINK that use Library of Congress subject headings in their library catalogs.  (OhioLINK is the consortium that connects virtually all of the libraries of private and public colleges and universities in Ohio).  You may also want to conduct literary research using the “search inside this […]


Scholarship on election data needed

Political Science colleagues or others who research election data are needed to analyze yesterday’s midterm elections in the United States. I am particularly interested in: 1. the strength of the pro-life vote; 2. the shift in the political affiliation of Hispanic/Latino voters to the Republican Party; and 3. the effect of voter surveys conducted by […]


Austin Ruse’s evaluation of the Princeton conference on abortion

Here is Austin Ruse’s decidedly negative evaluation of the recent Princeton conference on abortion.  Richard M.


article on the abortion rights of inmates

I just read an interesting article with the title “Rules for Radical Lawyers: Advancing the Abortion Rights of Inmates” by Mark Egerman of the National Abortion Federation. (See The article deals with an issue that has received a lot of attention in the literature. Many scholars have focused on the backlash caused by litigation […]


Jewish Pro-Life Foundation

Colleagues who need information about Judaism’s view on the life issue of abortion may find the website of the Jewish Pro-life Federation helpful: