
Maine legalizes assisted suicide

Here is a reporting on Maine’s governor signing a law legalizing physician-assisted suicide. Maine is the 8th state to allow assisted suicide. The others are California, Colorado, Hawaii, New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington; assisted suicide is also legal in DC and in Montana due to a court decision.


Devastating Critique of Kansas Supreme Court decision on abortion

Here is a link to a very good essay by Adam MacLeod critiquing the recent decision of the Kansas Supreme Court that found a natural right to abortion. Here is a paragraph from the essay– “This essay considers the humorous incompetence of the opinion, not for amusement but to learn an important lesson. American constitutions contain terms of […]


AMA retains opposition to assisted suicide

Here is a story in the National Right to Life News on the vote by the AMA to retain its opposition to assisted suicide. This is a significant decision because the views of major medical associations often have an important impact when states consider legalizing assisted suicide.  The AMA’s position is that physician-assisted suicide is […]


“Eugenics and Other Evils”

Here is a link to a good essay in Public Discourse by Justin Dyer. The essay discusses the history of the eugenics movement and comments on Justice Thomas’s recent opinion in Box v. Planned Parenthood arguing that the state has a compelling interest in preventing abortion from becoming a tool of modern-day eugenics.

Assisted suicide Euthanasia Suicide Uncategorized

Recent material on assisted suicide abuses

A June 7, 2019 email from Not Dead Yet, titled “An Open Letter to Maine Governor Mills: Veto Assisted Suicide Law LD 1313”, contained a pdf commentary on assisted suicide abuses which will interest all pro-lifers. Please see “Some Oregon and Washington State Assisted Suicide Abuses and Complications”, which can be found here:


“Pro-life Laws Don’t Establish Christianity and Religious Liberty is not a License to Kill”

That is the title of an excellent essay by Mitchell Rocklin and Howard Slugh addressing the arguments of pro-choice advocates who contend that pro-life laws violate the religion clauses of the First Amendment.


Supreme Court Upholds Indiana’s Fetal Remains law

Here is a link to today’s decision from the US Supreme Court. The Court upheld the constitutionality of Indiana’s law requiring the humane disposal of fetal remains. The court declined to review another provision of Indiana law prohibiting abortions due to the race, sex, or disability of the unborn child. The Court explained that the Seventh Circuit (which […]


“Affirming Ethical Options for the Terminally Ill”

Here is a link to a discussion at the Heritage Foundation addressing ethical options for providing care for the terminally ill. The participants were Ryan Anderson, Farr Curlin, Kevin Donovan, and Robert Moffitt. Here are some of the key points: Eliminating suffering by eliminating those who suffer is not a new temptation. That is why […]


“Supreme Court Decision Just Opened the Door for Overturning Roe v. Wade”

That’s the title of a  article discussing the Supreme Court’s decision in Franchise Tax Board v. Hyatt (May 13, 2019). In Hyatt, the Court overruled Nevada v. Hall, a Supreme Court decision from 1979. Nevada v. Hall decided that states were not immune from suit in the state courts of other states. In Franchise Tax […]


Elizabeth Kirk on the Kansas Supreme Court’s abortion decision

Here is a link to an excellent article by Elizabeth Kirk on the recent abortion decision from the Kansas Supreme Court. Kirk states: “In the wake of this decision and in the political context of abortion, the only remedy left to the people of Kansas is to pass a constitutional amendment to declare that there is no […]