Chronic pain Death and dying Hospice

New report on treatment of pain by the Institute of Medicine

Relieving Pain in America is a new report by the National Academy of Science’s Institute of Medicine. The introduction to the report describes the report as follows: Relieving Pain in America assesses the state of the science regarding pain research, care, and education and offers a blueprint for developing a population-level strategy to increase awareness […]

Assisted suicide Euthanasia International

Euthanasia and Organ Procurement

Wesley Smith notes the increased acceptance of coupling euthanasia with organ harvesting in his July 4 Weekly Standard article. He notes that Julian Savulescu, a Romanian born Oxford bioethicist, supported this trend in a scholarly paper published in Bioethics. Wesley notes that Belgian doctors and bioethicists have been promoting the idea since at least 2008, […]

Conferences International

Registration now open for V Pro-Life World Congress

The Organizing Committee for the V Prolife World Congress has announced the opening of registration for this important event, to be held in San José, Costa Rica from October 28 to 30, 2011. Past Congresses were held in Madrid (2003), Lima (2005), Mexico (2007), and Saragossa (2009). The activity will be held at the Universidad […]

Abortion Bioethics Eugenics Euthanasia Research sites and suggestions

SSRN Access to Scholarly Papers

A valuable (and free!) interdisciplinary resource for academic research is the Social Science Research Network. It contains almost 350,000 abstracts and 280,000 manuscripts of scholarly articles in the areas of health, legal, political, philosophy, and rhetoric. I use it often to find the newest articles on a subject. An example of what you might find […]


How Long Should We Fund Hospice Care?

John Keown’s presentation on palliative care at this year’s UFL Conference established the need for the prolife movement to ensure the availability of palliative care. Hospice care is a critical piece, but a new report questions how long hospice care should be funded by taxpayers.

Feminism Opinion polls Sex-selection abortion

American Preference for Boys

A new Gallup poll asked a random sample of 1,020 American adults whether they’d prefer to have a girl or a boy if they could only chose one. Forty percent said they prefer a boy, 28 percent said they would want a girl, and the rest didn’t mind either way or weren’t sure.  This survey is […]

Colleges and Universities Sexual practices

A response to the prevalent campus hook-up culture

Here is an interesting development at Catholic University of America, noted in the Washington Times recently. This Fall, CUA will institute single-sex dorms in an attempt to foster a more wholesome environment for meaningful relations between the sexes:;email. Certainly, this is far preferable to the current alchohol-drenched milieu which prevails on too many campuses. The current environment inures […]

Colleges and Universities Conferences University Faculty for Life

First Things Blog comments on UFL Conference and blog

Congratulations to Richard Stith in having his comment on defunding Planned Parenthood picked up on the First Things Blog.  The blog also had some nice things to say about our annual conferences.

Feminism International Sex-selection abortion

World-wide impact of sex-selective abortion

Ross Douthat has a good review of a new book on the genesis and impact of sex-selective abortion in the NYT today.

Fetal pain Late-term abortion Legislation

NYT on Unborn Child Pain Protection Acts

The NYT ran a front page article today on the passage of laws limiting abortion in recognition that an unborn child feels pain at 20 weeks. While the article is better than most NYT pieces on abortion as far as trying to be even handed (I know this is faint praise), the reporter omits […]