Assisted suicide Euthanasia Legislation

Vermont bill to legalize assisted suicide has major flaws

Here is Wesley Smith’s commentary on some of the problems with a Vermont bill that would legalize assisted suicide. Richard M.


“Across Country, Lawmakers Push Abortion Curbs”

That’s the headline of a New York Times article from Jan. 21, 2011.  The November elections brought pro-life gains in many states and this has improved the climate for pro-life legislation. Richard M.

Colleges and Universities

Notre Dame Vita Institute

The Notre Dame Fund to Protect Human Life has announced its inaugural Notre Dame Vita Institute. The Institute is a two-week educational program designed to help equip participants to more effectively engage the culture on beginning of life issues. The program will be at Notre Dame from June 12-24, 2011; the application deadline is March 1. Richard M.

Colleges and Universities

Korean pro-life professors group founded

Here is an encouraging story about the founding of the Pro-life Professors’ Association in Korea. Richard M.

Assisted suicide Europe Euthanasia International

Haas v. Switzerland/ assisted suicide case

Here is a link to a press release from the European Centre for Law and Justice on a recent decision from the European Court of Human Rights on assisted suicide. The decision rejected the claim of a man who claimed a right to obtain a lethal drug without a prescription, as Swiss law requires. Here is the […]


Abortion doctor charged with 8 counts of murder

This story, which has been generating an enormous amount of media coverage, is almost beyond belief. Here is a story from the National Right to Life Committee. Here is commentary from Wesley Smith. Richard M.

Abortion Feticide infanticide International Sex-selection abortion

Petition against female infanticide in China

As we all know, more female babies are aborted in China than males, in part due to the country’s forced-abortion policy.  Chai Ling of the organization All Girls Allowed has a petition against this violation of women’s rights; her effort is especially opportune given President Hu’s visit to the United States.  The petition can be […]

Colleges and Universities Conferences

Cardinal O’Connor Conference on January 23, 2011 at Georgetown

Here, below, is the link to the 12th annual Cardinal O’Connor conference. This will be a terrific conference. The conference is sponsored by Georgetown University Right to Life, Georgetown University Knights of Columbus, Georgetown University Catholic Daughters of the Americas, and University Faculty for Life. Richard M.

Colleges and Universities Conferences Population Control

Mosher to speak at conference

Steven Mosher, one of the foremost researchers on forced abortion in China, will speak on Sunday, January 23, at the Students for Life of America National Conference in Bethesda, Maryland.  Please consult the Students for Life website at more information.

Assisted suicide Euthanasia Uncategorized

Wesley Smith’s response to Jack Kevorkian’s lecture at UCLA

Here is Wesley Smith’s response to the news that Jack Kevorkian will be lecturing at UCLA on January 15, 2011. Smith comments near the conclusion of his post: “Few things better illustrate the degradation and degeneration of our culture than the elevation of Kevorkian in the media and popular culture to respectability and adulation. ”  Richard M.