Abortion Colleges and Universities Conscience protection Nursing schools Professional education Uncategorized

Vanderbilt forces nursing students to participate in abortions

That is the allegation made in a complaint filed with the Department of Health and Human Services. Here is the story. UPDATE: Apparently, Vanderbilt has responded to this complaint by making it clear that nursing students will not be required to participate in abortions.  Richard M.

Abortion Constitutionality

An abortion exception to the First Amendment?

Many have complained that cases that involve abortion seem to be subject to a special set of rules–rules that have had the effect of advancing abortion rights. Mark Rienzi, who teaches law at Catholic University, takes up the question whether there is an abortion exception to the first amendment. His paper evaluates recent efforts to regulate speech about alternatives to abortion. His conclusion […]


How “Happy Holidays” Hurts

Not directly pro-life, this post is relevant to the issue of how points of view are excluded from the public square for quite unfounded reasons: Good people are often mystified at the offense taken by many Christians to the salutation “Happy Holidays!” After all, they reason, the word “holidays” includes everyone, instead of excluding anyone, […]


41% of pregnancies in NYC end in abortion

Here is the story from LifeNews. Here is coverage from the National Right to Life Committee. Richard M.

Human embryos Stem cell research

Ethical stem cell research

Colleagues involved in stem cell research or students writing papers on the topic may find information on the John Paul II Stem Cell Research Institute website helpful.   Donations to The John Paul II Stem Cell Research Institute are tax-deductible.  Please check the institute’s website for more information:


Ohio Right to Life updated legislative fact sheet

History and legal students and scholars may find an updated legislative fact sheet from Ohio RTL helpful in their research.  Stephanie Krider, Director of Legislative Affairs for Ohio RTL, has compiled a brochure on Ohio laws concerning the life issues.  Please call or email her for a copy of “Facts of Life—Ohio Laws REVISED”: [email protected] […]

Abortion Media treatment

The Unborn Paradox

Here is a link to Ross Douthat’s recent (January 2, 2011) column with the above title in the New York Times.    Here is his conclusion: “This is the paradox of America’s unborn. No life is so desperately sought after, so hungrily desired, so carefully nurtured. And yet no life is so legally unprotected, and so […]

Assisted suicide Death and dying Euthanasia Legislation Uncategorized

update on end of life counseling regulations

The Obama Administration has shelved the end of life counseling regulations. Here are links to Wesley Smith’s commentary. Richard M.


increasing challenges to Roe v. Wade

Here is a link (below) to a Washington Post story about the increasing number of laws that states have passed restricting abortion. The article focuses on Nebraska’s law banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy to prevent fetal pain. The article notes that the US Supreme Court’s 2007 decision in Gonzales v. Carhart, in which […]


Obamacare and death panels

There has been a lot of discussion about a new federal regulation that allegedly will bring  death panels into federal health care. Wesley Smith has several good posts on the controversy. He concludes that the death panel charge is an overreaction but that health care rationing is still a “clear and present danger.” Here are links […]