
Review of Cornwell’s book on Newman

Anne Barbeau Gardiner’s review of John Cornwell’s Newman’s Unquiet Grave (Continuum, 2010) is now available.  Please email me for the full text.

Literary Treatment Literary Treatment

Linguistic use of Ngram

Colleagues involved in linguistic study may find Google’s Ngram feature helpful as a starting point for discussion about the use of words over the centuries.  A word of caution, though: entering the words “abortion,” “infanticide,” and “euthanasia” results in a graph which may be misleading. As pro-life scholars know, “abortion” was often called “infanticide” by British […]


Transfer of copyright agreements

A colleague has been asked to submit a paper to the US-China Education Review.  A stipulation of the editor is that a “transfer of copyright agreement” should accompany the article.  If anyone has experience with such agreements, please contact me at [email protected]; I will forward your comments as appropriate.


selective reduction

Here is a link to a recent story in the Canadian press about the increase in selective reductions. The article focuses on an Ontario couple. The wife was pregnant with twins but she found a doctor who was willing to “reduce” the pregnancy “from twins to a singleton.” As the article described this trend: “The […]


update on Phoenix abortion case

Here is link to my post on the Mirror of Justice blog that describes the developments.  After a review, Bishop Olmsted concluded that St. Joseph Hospital could no longer identify itself as a Catholic hospital. Richard M.


update on conscience rights and the Washington board of pharmacy

Back in August, see, it appeared that the Washington Board of Pharmacy might alter its rules and protect conscience rights. But as LifeNews reports, , the Washington Board of Pharmacy has voted (5-1) to keep its rules, which fail to protect pharmacists with a conscientious objection to dispensing plan B, in place.   Richard M.

Abortion Health exception Mental health Uncategorized

abortion and mental health

Here is another insightful piece by Michael New on the latest controversy about the link between abortion and women’s health. The Washington Post recently gave attention to a new article that allegedly refuted a study documenting that women who had abortions had an increased risk of various mental health problems. New explains that the study that the Post highlighted […]

Abortion Europe

ABC v. Ireland

The European Court of Human Rights has decided the Ireland abortion case. The Court held Ireland’s law violated one of the claimant’s rights by failing to provide a mechanism for her to obtain a legal abortion, which in Ireland is only available under limited circumstances. The decision doesn’t seem as bad as some had feared. […]


ECHR Ruling on abortion expected on Thursday Dec. 16

The European Court of Human Rights is expected to issue its ruling in an important abortion case from Ireland on Thursday December 16, 2010. As the LifeNews story notes, there is a possibility that the Court will dismiss the case without reaching the merits. Bill Saunders has an article in the Suummer 2010 issue of the […]


The Obama Administration is working to rescind conscience regulations

Here is a link to a LifeNews story on the Obama Administration’s efforts to rescind the conscience regulations issued in the waning days of the Bush Administration. This action wouldn’t change existing federal statutes that protect conscience rights but the Bush regulations were an important move in helping to implement the federal statutory protections. The […]