
John Finnis on the moral status of the unborn child

Rick Garnett’s recent post ( on the Mirror of Justice blog, refers to the remarks of John Finnis at the recent Princeton conference. Here is a link to Finnis’s remarks, , which are well worth reading. Richard M.


Infanticide in Brazil

Persons interested in examining the issue of infanticide (the killing of newborn children) in Brazil can visit This site includes the documentary “Breaking the Silence” (in which Brazilian Indians from many tribes speak out against infanticide), another short movie “Acaua-The Right to Life,” and “Infanticide Account by Kamiru” (a narrative of a child saved […]


Komen Foundation and abortion

That the Komen Foundation supports abortion groups like Planned Parenthood is well-known among many.  Colleagues may be interested to view recent research into donations from Komen to Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion group in the United States.  See Responses from pro-life academics are  imperative at this time of year, when students and faculty feel compelled to […]


Pro-life news services

In answer to faculty and student inquiries, persons who wish to receive accurate news information on the life issues of abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia may subscribe to daily email alerts from ( and LifeSiteNews (  Although the latter is based in Canada, it offers not only American, but also international news.


hospice resistance to assisted suicide in Oregon

Here is Wesley Smith’s evaluation of a study indicating that hospices in Oregon are not participating in assisted suicide.  Richard M.


Richard Doerflinger to receive pro-life award at Notre Dame

Here is a link to an announcement that Richard Doerflinger will receive the first Evangelium Vitae Medal  at Notre Dame. The Medal is awarded by the Notre Dame Fund to Protect Human Life. As the announcement states: “Richard Doerflinger’s unwavering commitment and heroic witness to life on Capitol Hill and beyond make him the perfect first recipient.” […]


Austin Ruse on international law and the right to life

On September 24, 2010, I posted ( a link  to John Keown’s review of Rita Joseph’s book “Human Rights and the Unborn Child.” Here is Austin Ruse’s comment on Rita Joseph’s position. Ruse’s comment is entitled “Sadly, No International Right to Life that includes the Unborn.” His commentary has some cautionary words about relying on customary international law […]


University Faculty for Life chapter at Notre Dame

University Faculty for Life has had local chapters at Marquette and on Long Island for many years. Our newest local chapter is at the University of Notre Dame.  The Notre Dame chapter will be our local hosts for the 2011 University Faculty for Life annual conference on June 10-11, 2011.   Here is a report on this very […]


Gilroy’s “Shared Vision”: Highly recommended for students and scholars of American political history

Dr. Jane Gilroy documents a significant episode in American political history: the rise of Ellen McCormack, the pro-life feminist candidate for president in 1976.  McCormack received 22 delegate votes in the 1976 Democratic presidential campaign and over 200,000 votes in Democratic primaries across the nation.  The campaign reached nearly 200,000,000 persons through paid television commercials. […]


Europe and conscience protection

At the Public Discourse website, here is a report by Matthew Schmitz on a very troubling conscience proposal that will be considered by the Council of Europe on October 7, 2010. The report states: “The central feature of the resolution is a call for enforcement against conscientious objectors who refuse to perform or make referrals for abortion.” Update: […]