
The Neuhaus Colloquium on the Obama Administration and human embryos

Here is a link to the Neuhaus Colloquium’s statement on the Obama Administration and the treatment of human embryos. The statement is the effort of a group of scientists and intellectuals who were inspired by the life and example of the late Father Richard John Neuhaus. Richard M.


Princeton conference on abortion

Here is a link to an upcoming conference at Princeton. The conference, which is entitled “Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Fair Minded Words: A Conference on Life & Choice in the Abortion Debate,” will be held at Princeton on October 15-16, 2010. The conference features well known speakers with a range of views on the underlying […]


Montana murder/suicide and Montana’s law on “aid in dying”

Here is Wesley Smith’s commentary on a recent murder/suicide in Montana and the efforts of Compassion and Choices” to use the incident to promote “aid in dying.” An 81 year old man shot his 81 year old wife (who had cerebral palsy) and then set their house on fire and then shot himself. According to the […]


new Missouri informed consent law goes into effect

Missouri’s new law requiring informed consent (in more detail than had been required) prior to an abortion went into effect on August 28.  Here is Wesley Smith’s commentary.  Richard M.


Baylor conference on Human Dignity and the Future of Health Care

I just saw the schedule for the 2010 Baylor Symposium on Faith and Culture. The Symposium, which will be held October 28-30, will address the topic of “Human Dignity and the Future of Health Care.” The line-up of speakers looks quite impresive. See Richard M.


Pennsylvania court decision on medical care for the disabled

On August 17, 2010, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that a guardian for a mentally disabled person is not permitted to refuse life-saving  medical treatment when the disabled person is not suffering from an end-stage medical condition or is not permanently unconscious. Here is a link to the opinion. The Court found that Pennsylvania […]


No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act

The “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act”  (H.R. 5939) was introduced by Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Dan Lipinski (D-IL) in late July 2010. The Act would permanently ban taxpayer funding of abortion. Here is information about a letter supporting the bill written by Cardinal DiNardo, who is the Archbishop of Gaveston/Houston and the Chariman of the Committee […]


Alaska voters approve parental notice law

On Tuesday, August 24, voters in Alaska approved a law requring parental notice 48 hours before a teenager under age 18 has an abortion. Here is report from the National Right to Life Committee, , and one from, Richard M.

Human embryos Stem cell research Uncategorized

Federal Judge enjoins Obama Administration funding of Embryonic Stem Cell Research

A federal district court judge has enjoined the Obama Administration’s effort to fund embryonic stem cell research. The judge found that such efforts are prohibited by the Dickey-Wicker Amendment. Here is a report from the New York Times. Here is a report from, , and one from the Bioethics Defense Fund.  Richard M.


Sam Calhoun’s recent article on Carhart II

At the 2008 UFL conference at Marquette, Sam Calhoun presented a critique of the 2007 Supreme Court decision in Gonzales v. Carhart. An expanded version of that paper has just recently been published in the Mississippi Law Journal. The article is entitled “”Partial-Birth Abortion’ is Not Abortion: Carhart II’s Fundamental Misapplication of Roe” and it is […]