
Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Challenge to Kentucky’s Ultrasound Informed Consent Law

Here is a link to a Lifenews story about the Court’s refusal to grant a cert petition from a Kentucky abortion clinic that had unsuccessfully challenged a Kentucky law that requires that abortion doctors perform ultrasounds and show and describe fetal images to patients before abortions, as well as play an audible heartbeat of the fetus. […]


“New Abortion Bills Are So Tough That Some Conservatives Have Qualms”

That’s the title of an article in the New York Times discussing a new wave of pro-life legislative proposals. The article discusses rifts in the pro-life movement about the best way to challenge Roe v. Wade. Some pro-life groups have long advocated an incremental approach. These newer legislative proposals would challenge Roe more directly by […]


“Health Care: The Greatest Pro-Life Political Battle of Our Time”

Here is a link to a good essay by Louis Brown, Executive Director of the Christ Medicus Foundation, on the importance of the health care debate.  As Brown explains, “Patient freedom would not survive a single-payer federally controlled health care system. The right to life would not survive a single-payer health care system. The right […]


Down Syndrome Discrimination by Abortion Prohibition Act

In late October 2019, US Senator Jim Inhofe introduced the Down Syndrome Discrimination by Abortion Prohibition Act. The Act would prohibit abortion based on an unborn child having Down Syndrome. (Here is a link to press release from Senator Inhofe.)  Companion legislation was also introduced in the House. A number of states have passed similar […]


Tom Cavanaugh on the Hippocratic Oath and Assisted Suicide

Here is a link to an excellent essay in Public Discourse by Tom Cavanaugh. The title of the essay is “Why the Hippocratic Oath Prohibits Physician-Assisted Suicide.”   Here is a brief excerpt: “By respecting this venerable boundary [between killing and healing], physicians can resist society’s chronic tendency to conflate the roles of healer and wounder. […]


“DOJ sidesteps Supreme Court battle over illegal immigrant teen abortions”

Here is a link to story in the Washington Times about the DOJ decision. A decision by the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit requires the government to facilitate abortions for undocumented minors in federal custody. The Department of Justice has decided not to appeal the ruling. It seemed likely that Justice Kavanaugh […]


“Globally, opposition to euthanasia dwarfs end-of-life movements”

That’s the title of a good article by Michael Cook. Cook notes the good news that assisted suicide and euthanasia are still illegal in most of the world, and that the World Medical Association has recently reaffirmed its opposition to euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide.


Judge Blocks Alabama Abortion Law

Here is a link to a LifeNews story on a decision from a federal district court judge blocking enforcement of an Alabama abortion law that would have banned most abortions. The ruling was not unexpected. Alabama plans to appeal the ruling. A story on detailed the reaction of Alabama’s Attorney General: “Alabama Attorney General Steve […]


Rachel Morrison on the June Medical Services case

Here is a link to a very good article on the June Medical Services case. June Medical Services involves the constitutionality of Louisiana’s admitting privileges law. The case will be argued before the US Supreme Court later this Term.


“A Chance to Challenge Roe?”

Here is a link to a good essay by Kevin Walsh analyzing the June Medical Services case, which the Supreme Court recently agreed to review. Here is his concluding paragraph: “Instead of expecting anything dramatic, look for Roberts to engage in a careful comparison and contrast of the record on review, which differs significantly for […]