
“Assisted Suicide Laws and Their Danger to People with Disabilities”

That is the title of a recent report issued by the US National Council on Disabilities. Michael Cook’s recent essay describes the report. Cook also notes that the media have largely overlooked the report. Here is Cook’s last paragraph: “It cannot be repeated too often: a civilization is measured by the quality of its care for the […]


Federal Court Blocks Ohio Law Prohibiting Abortions due to Disability

Here is a link to a LifeNews story on the October 11, 2019 decision from the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit affirming a lower court decision that enjoined a Ohio law prohibiting abortion due to the disability of the unborn child. The decision was 2-1. The dissent,  by Judge Alice M. […]


Supreme Court to hear Louisiana Admitting Privileges Case

The US Supreme Court decided to review the June Medical Services case, which involves the constitutionality of Louisiana’s law that requires doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at local hospitals. In 2016, the Court invalidated a similar Texas law in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt. In September 2018, in June Medical Services, the […]


federal judge holds Georgia’s heartbeat law unconstitutional

Here is a link to an October 1, 2019 decision by a federal judge in Georgia invalidating Georgia’s heartbeat law. This ruling is consistent with other decisions from around the country invalidating heartbeat laws, which prohibit abortion after an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable.


federal judge upholds important provisions of Virginia’s abortion statute

Here is a link to a Lifenews story on a September 30, 2019 decision by United States District Judge Henry Hudson of the Eastern District of Virginia. Judge Hudson upheld the portions of the law that require an ultrasound, that impose a 24-hour waiting period, and that require that physicians perform abortions. The court also partially upheld the requirement that abortions […]


“Human Embryos are Human Beings: a Scientific and Philosophical Case”

Here is a link to Patrick Lee’s essay discussing the book by Samuel and Maureen Condic. Here is a brief summary from Lee’s essay. In Human Embryos, Human Beings, A Scientific and Philosophical Approach philosopher Samuel Condic and Neurobiologist Maureen Condic advance a careful and detailed case for the proposition that a human being comes to be at […]


US tells UN there is no international right to abortion

Here is a link to a statement by HHS Secretary Alex Azar. The statement, before a UN meeting on universal health coverage, stated forcefully that “there is no international right to an abortion.”


“Abortion front and center as new U.S. Supreme Court term nears”

Here is a link to a Reuters story by Lawrence Hurley about the prospect that the US Supreme Court will review an abortion case during its 2019-2020 Term.


US Abortion rate is Declining

Here is a link to a good article by Melanie Israel (Heritage Foundation) on the recent report from the Guttmacher Institute about the declining rates of abortion in the US. Here is a link to Michael New’s excellent analysis of the Guttmacher report. Here is New’s concluding paragraph– “With state legislatures nationwide enacting increasingly stronger protections for mothers […]


North Dakota judge blocks abortion reversal law

Here is a link to a LifeNews article on a recent decision by a federal trial judge in North Dakota. The decision blocks a North Dakota law that requires that woman be provided information about the abortion pill reversal procedure. The court found that the law likely violated the First Amendment rights of the abortion […]