
Summer 2019 issue of Pro Vita is now available

The summer 2019 issue of Pro Vita (the newsletter of University Faculty for Life) is now available at this link. Thanks to Margaret Hughes (Thomas Aquinas College) for her excellent editorial work. The newsletter features a brief recap of the June 2019 annual conference and a preview of next year’s conference, which will be held […]


Tennessee Bills to Restrict Abortion

Here is a link to a LifeNews story about recent developments in Tennessee. The Tennessee legislature is considering a bill to prohibit abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detectable. Another bill would ban all abortions in the state. The story also reports on the split within the pro-life movement about the advisability of passing a […]


Excellent essay by Richard Doerflinger on Assisted Suicide

Here is a link to an excellent essay by Richard Doerflinger on assisted suicide.  Here is his concluding paragraph: “The people most harmed by this agenda are seriously ill people hearing from society and physicians that death by overdose will end their problems; other patients suffering from a reduced commitment to care; people with disabilities […]


Judge Blocks Arkansas Pro-Life Laws

Here is a link to a LifeNews story on a July 23, 2019 decision by a federal judge in Arkansas. The pro-life laws would have prevented abortions after 18 weeks (with a few exceptions), prevented abortions when the sole reason for obtaining the abortion was that the unborn baby had been diagnosed with Down Syndrome, […]


articles on sex-selection abortion in India

Here and here are articles discussing the huge problem of sex-selection abortions in India. Here is a link to a short article of mine dealing with the constitutionality of laws banning sex-selection abortions.


Clarke Forsythe on Overturning Roe v. Wade

Here is a link to a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed by Clarke Forsythe entitled “The Smart Way to Overturn Roe v. Wade.” Forsythe focuses on a prudential strategy involving careful consideration of a variety of factors. He questions whether strict prohibitions on early abortions are the best vehicles for reversal.


Texas Governor Signs Born Alive Act

Here is a link to an article from LifeNews about Governor Abbot signing the Born Alive Act, which provides protection to infants who survive abortions.


C-Fam Lauds US Decision to defund UNFPA

Here is a link to a press release from C-Fam praising the Trump Administration’s decision to defund UNFPA, which has a long record of promoting abortion around the world.


Trump Administration Continues Efforts to Defund Planned Parenthood

Here is a link to a LifeNews story on the latest developments in this continuing saga. Here is a link to a short piece by Ed Whelan on the continuing legal battles.


John Breen’s Critique of Linda Greenhouse’s Argument that Pro-Life Laws Violate the Establishment Clause

Here is a link to an excellent post by John Breen. Breen’s post critiques a recent piece in the New York Times by Linda Greenhouse arguing that pro-life laws violate the Establishment Clause. This argument was also made by the Justice Stevens, who passed away yesterday at the age of 99. Here is a link to […]