
Ohio’s Heartbeat Law held Unconstitutional

Here is a link to a LifeNews article on the litigation in Ohio. Here is a link to commentary by Walter Weber.


Commentary on the death of Vincent Lambert

Here, here, and here are links to commentary on the death of Vincent Lambert. Lambert died 9 days after doctors stopped providing him food and water. Lambert’s wife and a number of his siblings agreed with the doctors’ recommendation to withdraw food and water. Lambert’s parents and other siblings disagreed with the withdrawal. The case has been compared to the […]


Court declines to review Alabama’s ban on dismemberment abortions

The US Supreme Court today declined to review a lower court ruling that had invalidated Alabama’s ban on dismemberment abortions. Justice Thomas concurred in the ruling but noted– “This case serves as a stark reminder that our abortion jurisprudence has spiraled out of control. Earlier this Term, we were confronted with lower court decisions requiring States […]


more on stare decisis

In Knick v. Township of Scott, the Supreme Court today overruled a 1985 decision dealing with the Takings Clause. The vote was 5-4 ; Chief Justice Roberts wrote the majority opinion and was joined by Justices Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh. The dissent (by Justice Kagan), perhaps with eye to the fate of Roe v. Wade and […]


Federal court allows Title X regulations blocking funding to clinics that provide, or refer for, abortion to go into effect

Here and here are two stories from the National Right to Life News and Lifenews on the June 20, 2019 decision from the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Here is a comment from Dave Andrusko’s article: “the rule change made by HHS restored–emphasis on restored–Title X family planning regulations to prohibit grantees […]


Justice Thomas rejects stare decisis

Here is a link to today’s Supreme Court decision in Gamble v. United States. In Gamble, the Court decided not to overturn the dual sovereignty doctrine. Pursuant to that doctrine, it does not violate the double jeopardy clause if a state prosecutes a defendant under state law even if the federal government has already prosecuted the defendant […]


DC Circuit enjoins Administration policy on abortions for undocumented minors

Here is a link to a LifeNews story about the June 14, 2019 decision from a divided panel of the United State Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. The court found that the policy of the Office of Refugee Resettlement to prevent shelters from facilitating abortions for “unaccompanied alien children” was likely unconstitutional. […]


Maine legalizes assisted suicide

Here is a reporting on Maine’s governor signing a law legalizing physician-assisted suicide. Maine is the 8th state to allow assisted suicide. The others are California, Colorado, Hawaii, New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington; assisted suicide is also legal in DC and in Montana due to a court decision.


Devastating Critique of Kansas Supreme Court decision on abortion

Here is a link to a very good essay by Adam MacLeod critiquing the recent decision of the Kansas Supreme Court that found a natural right to abortion. Here is a paragraph from the essay– “This essay considers the humorous incompetence of the opinion, not for amusement but to learn an important lesson. American constitutions contain terms of […]


AMA retains opposition to assisted suicide

Here is a story in the National Right to Life News on the vote by the AMA to retain its opposition to assisted suicide. This is a significant decision because the views of major medical associations often have an important impact when states consider legalizing assisted suicide.  The AMA’s position is that physician-assisted suicide is […]