
“The Trump Administration Must Keep Abortion out of Humanitarian Law and Policy”

Here is a good essay in Public Discourse by Stefano Gennarini. He describes continuing efforts to promote a right to abortion in international law and suggests how the Trump Administration ought to respond. Here is his conclusion: “The stakes are higher than ever for the pro-life cause internationally. The Trump administration must continue to push the United […]


US Supreme Court vacates decision involving undocumented teen’s abortion

Here is a link to the Court’s decision in Azar v. Garza. In this case, the DC Circuit had allowed an undocumented teen who was in custody to obtain an abortion over the government’s objection. Because the teen obtained an abortion, the Supreme Court considered the case moot and, pursuant to its standard practice, vacated the […]


Good article by Professor Tom Molony

Here is a link to a good article by Professor Tom Molony (Elon Law). The article is forthcoming in the Florida Law Review. Here is the abstract— “The United States Supreme Court dealt a significant blow to abortion opponents in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, but the 2016 ruling did not dampen their resolve. Just […]


US Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Challenge to Arkansas Pro-Life Law

Here is a link to a LifeNews story on the US Supreme Court’s refusal to hear a Planned Parenthood challenge to an Arkansas pro-life law. The case is called Planned Parenthood of Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma v. Jegley and the Court denied review on May 29, 2018. The law restricts medication-induced abortions and requires clinics […]


Irish Vote Removes Protection for the Unborn

On May 26, 2018 Irish voters removed the 8th Amendment to the Irish Constitution, which protected the right to life of the unborn. The Irish Parliament is now expected to pass legislation legalizing abortion. Here is a link to a LifeNews story and here is a link to commentary from The Catholic Thing.


Update on California assisted suicide law

California’s End of Life Option Act, which went into effect on 2016, was recently declared unconstitutional by Riverside County Superior Court Judge Ottolia. Judge Ottolia found that the California legislature had passed the law improperly. The law had been passed during a special session dedicated to healthcare issues and Judge Ottolia found that the suicide law […]


Rachel MacNair on “Our Pro-Life Future”

Rachel MacNair, a frequent speaker at University Faculty for Life conferences, has just published a very good piece in the June/July 2018 issue of First Things. Her essay is entitled “Our Pro-Life Future.” I can’t locate an on-line version but I encourage readers to find a copy. MacNair focusses on positive trends–declines in the number of abortions and in […]


Iowa’s Governor Signs Heartbeat Law

Here is a link to a story about Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signing a law that prohibits abortions after the unborn baby has a detectable heartbeat.


AMA Ethics Committee Affirms Opposition to Physician-Assisted Suicide

Here is a link to a piece by Wesley Smith reporting on the good news that the AMA Ethics Committee has reaffirmed its opposition to the legalization of physician-assisted suicide. This is important news because changes by medical associations on this issue have been relied upon in jurisdictions that have legalized assisted suicide. This action […]


“The Push to Starve Dementia Patients Appears in the New York Times”

Here is a link to a good piece by Wesley Smith. Here is his conclusion: “It is a sign of our times that acts and omissions that only a few years ago would have epitomized elder abuse, now receives the full-court bioethical press in the Establishment ‘paper of record.’  This is precisely how radical proposals […]