
Ohio Senate Passes Bill Banning Abortions of Babies with Down Syndrome

Here is a story from LifeNews about this encouraging development. The Ohio Senate has now passed this bill; the Ohio House has already passed a similar bill.


States Sue to Force Little Sisters of the Poor to Fund Abortions

Here is a story from LifeNews about this continuing saga. The Trump Administration announced that it would end the HHS Mandate. Now, California and Pennsylvania have filed lawsuits seeking to take away the exemptions for the Little Sisters of the Poor and others. Here is information from Becket, which is representing the Sisters.


Abortion and equality

Here is a link to a very good paper by Erika Bachiochi. The tile is “A Putative Right in Search of Constitutional Justification: Understanding Planned Parenthood v. Casey’s Equality Rationale and How it Undermines Women’s Equality.” Here is a  bit from the abstract: “In this article, I revisit and critique Casey’s controversial decision anew, attending […]


“Embryology and Science Denial”

Here is a link to a good essay by Patrick Lee and Melissa Moschella.  The essay critics on op-ed by Richard Paulson. Paulson’s op-ed critiques the HHS’s view that human life begins at conception. Paulson critiqued that view by saying that this position is a religious belief that can’t properly be the basis for governmental […]


Euthanasia, psychological suffering, and Belgian medicine

Here is an article by Michael Cook that asks the question: “Is euthanasia for psychological suffering changing Belgian medicine?” Here is Cook’s concluding paragraph: “It’s clear now that euthanasia for psychological suffering is out of control. Only about 40 of Belgium’s 2,000 euthanasia deaths each year are psychiatric patients. But it appears that the controls which are supposed […]


“Government seeks to vacate D.C. Circuit abortion ruling, asks for disciplinary action against lawyers”

Here is a link to an interesting post by Amy Howe on the latest developments in the litigation involving an undocumented teen and abortion. The United States is asking the US Supreme Court to vacate the DC Circuit’s decision allowing the teen to obtain an abortion. The US is also asking the Supreme Court to consider disciplining […]


Healthcare professionals and deliberately delivering death

Here is a link to a good essay by Stephen Heaney. The essay is entitled: “A Proposal for the Healthcare Professions: It’s Time to Refuse to Deal in Death.” Here is a the quick summary: “The healthcare professions are rightly devoted to the restoration and maintenance of health. Deliberately delivering death is in direct opposition to […]


DC Circuit allows undocumented teen to obtain an abortion

Here is a link to a story in the Wall Street Journal on the latest developments in this case. Here is a link to the opinion, which includes Judge Kavanaugh’s dissent claiming that the court’s decision “represents a radical extension of the Supreme Court’s abortion jurisprudence.” Update: Here is a link to a LifeNews story reporting […]


Appellate court stops abortion sought by undocumented teen

Here is a link to a Washington Post story on the latest developments in the lawsuit the ACLU filed to force the Trump Administration to facilitate an abortion for an undocumented teen, who is in a shelter in Texas. The teen was detained by U.S. officials in September after crossing the border illegally. She is being held by HHS’s Office […]


Update on HHS Mandate

Here is an item from the Catholic News Agency on recent developments relating to the HHS mandate. Here is the summary: “The Trump administration announced broad new exemptions to the HHS contraceptive mandate on Friday [October 6, 2017], giving relief to religious non-profits and others with deeply held religious or moral convictions regarding contraception.”