
Nevada rejects assisted suicide law

Here is a link to a story about good news from Nevada.


Texas passes pro-life law

Here  is a link to a story in the National Right to Life News about a new pro-life law in Texas. The story begins: “Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed Senate Bill 8 into law. Senate Bill 8 prohibits partial-birth abortion, regulates the disposition of abortion victims, and, as amended, bans dismemberment abortions.”


“Are Pro-Life Laws based on Sound Science? Yes. Here’s How”

Here is a very good article by Dr. Michael New in which he rebuts a recent Guttmacher Institute analysis claiming that many pro-life laws have no scientific basis. Here is New’s evaluation: “The Guttmacher analysis evaluates ten major types of pro-life laws and details the ways in which they supposedly conflict with established science. The […]


Iowa Supreme Court recognizes wrongful birth tort

Here is link to a article on a June 2, 2017 decision by the Iowa Supreme Court recognizing a tort for wrongful birth. Wrongful birth claims are claims by parents of a disabled child who argue that but for the negligence of a doctor (in, for example, failing to notify the parent that her child would […]


“Insights for the euthanasia debate from unpacking the concept of dignity”

Here is a link to a very good book review by Margaret Somerville. Somerville reviews “Dignity Therapy: Final Words for Final Days” by Harvey Max Chochinov. (Here is a link for more information about the book from the Oxford University Press website.)  Much of the desire for assisted suicide is “existential distress” and not pain. The elderly often feel […]


Existential distress not pain drives euthanasia

Here is an interesting story on a study about the reasons patients request assisted suicide. The primary reason cited was “existential distress” and not pain. Interestingly, in the oral arguments in Myers v. Schneiderman, the New York case involving the constitutionality of New York’s ban on assisted suicide, the plaintiffs’ lawyer repeatedly emphasized that the plaintiffs […]


New York Court of Appeals hears oral argument in assisted suicide case

Here is a link to a brief report on the oral argument before the New York Court of Appeals in Myers v. Schneiderman, which challenges the constitutionality of New York’s law banning assisted suicide.


“Protecting Prenatal Persons: Does the Fourteenth Amendment Prohibit Abortion?”

Here is a link to a good essay (with the title noted above) in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy by Joshua Craddock that considers whether the Fourteenth Amendment protects prenatal persons. Craddock concludes: “Based on the historical evidence, this Note presents an originalist argument that all prenatal life is included within the Fourteenth Amendment’s […]


Stefano Gennarini on the Mexico City Policy

Here is a link to a good essay by Stefano Gennarini from C-Fam. The essay is entitled “The Genius of the Mexico City Policy and the Pro-Life Legacy of President Trump.” Here is the conclusion: “Ronald Reagan was a visionary pro-life president. He saw the need to stop the global abortion industry and played his part […]


Richard Doerflinger’s essay on John Noonan

Here is a link to a very good essay by Richard Doerflinger on Judge John Noonan; the essay is entitled “A Life Well Spent: Learning from John Noonan.” .