
Great profile of Teresa Collett!!!

Here’s a link to a great profile of Teresa Collett. ‘Retaining Teachers’ Event at Wilder Foundation

Assisted suicide Death and dying Euthanasia Legislation

“Assisted Suicide in D.C.”

Here’s a link to a very good commentary by Elyse Smith on a bill that would legalize physician-assisted suicide in DC. Assisted Suicide in D.C. Here’s Smith’s conclusion: “Once a society buys into the lie that our dignity and value are expendable at will, determined by a utilitarian ethic, measured in terms of our economic productivity […]


Euthanasia for children in Belgium

From, here is a story marking a deplorable development–the first reported instance of euthanasia of a minor in Belgium. The details are sketchy, but you can be sure that this won’t be the last. First Child Dies After Belgium Approves Measure Allowing Doctors to Euthanize Children Here’s additional commentary on this from Michael Cook.


“Why Colorado Voters Should Reject Ballot Measure to Legalize Assisted Suicide”

Here is a link to a very good article by Tim Bradley on a Colorado ballot measure that would legalize assisted suicide. Bradley states: “[The Colorado measure and other such proposals] should be strongly opposed for many reasons: they extend false mercy and compassion to those who are vulnerable to seeking assisted suicide, they corrupt the […]


NY Times article on NRLC

Here is a link to an article in the July 9, 2016 edition of the New York Times. The article, “Anti-Abortion Group Presses Ahead Despite Recent Supreme Court Ruling,” reports on the annual meeting of the National Right to Life Committee. Here is the first paragraph of the article–“Stung by the recent Supreme Court decision that overturned Texas abortion clinic restrictions, […]

Conscience protection

Richard Doerflinger on conscience rights and the Obama Administration

Here is link to an excellent piece by Richard Doerflinger entitled—A Pledge Betrayed: The Obama Administration Nullifies Conscience Rights. A Pledge Betrayed: The Obama Administration Nullifies Conscience Rights


A Critique of Whole Woman’s Health by Steve Gilles

Here is a link to an excellent analysis of the Whole Woman’s Health case by Steve Gilles.        

Assisted suicide Constitutionality Court Cases Death and dying Euthanasia Suicide

New Mexico Supreme Court upholds state ban on physician assisted suicide

Here is a link to the June 30, 2016 decision by the New Mexico Supreme Court upholding the state’s ban on assisted suicide. A trial court judge in New Mexico  had found the law unconstitutional. By a divided vote, the court of appeals reversed and the New Mexico Supreme Court has now also rejected the trial judge’s decision. […]

Abortion Clinic regulation Constitutionality Court cases

Supreme Court invalidates Texas abortion law (H.B. 2)

By a 5-3 vote, the US Supreme Court today invalidated two key features of Texas’s H.B. 2. In an opinion by Justice Breyer, the Court invalidated the requirement that doctors performing abortions have admitting privileges at local hospitals and the requirement that abortion clinics meet the standards Texas sets for ambulatory surgical centers. Here is a link […]

Abortion Court cases

Bachiochi on Dignity and Autonomy

Erika Bachiochi, visiting fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, recently wrote an article, “Abortion and the Supreme Court’s Misguided Notions of ‘Autonomy’,” for National Review about the relationship of “dignity” to “autonomy” in Supreme Court abortion jurisprudence. In it she contrasts the American version of “dignity” influenced by Kant and Mill with the European version, […]