
Supreme Court holds oral argument in Texas abortion case

Here, from LifeNews and National Right to Life News, are reports on yesterday’s oral argument in the Texas abortion case. Supreme Court Holds Hearing on Texas Law Saving Tens of Thousands of Babies From Abortion  


Review of 2015 symposium

The Human Life Review recently posted a symposium reviewing the pro-life movement in 2015. Among the contributors are: Eric Metaxus, Kristan Hawkins, Hadley Arkes, William McGurn, Clarke Forsythe, Rita Marker, Tim Goeglein & Doug Napier, William Murchison, Mary Meehan, Wesley Smith, and Helen Alvaré,

Abortion Clinic regulation Court cases Legislation University Faculty for Life

Collett on Texas HB2

Teresa Collett wrote a full explanation of the legal situation in  the Texas case before the Supreme Court, Whole Woman’s Health v. Cole. “Texas Faces Abortion Showdown,” in the National Catholic Register. 

Contraception University Faculty for Life

Moschella on the pope’s in-flight interview

Melissa Moschella, Professor of Philosophy at Catholic University of America and UFL Board member was quoted in the National Catholic Register article, Pope’s Words on Contraception in Accord With Magisterium, Philosophers Say, but Context Is Key, by Edward Pentin. She was explaining why Pope Paul VI’s decision to allow nuns in danger of being raped to […]

Abortion Clinic regulation Women's health

Briefs in the Whole Woman’s Health case

Here is a post from Teresa Collett (as posted on the Mirror of Justice blog by Greg Sisk) concerning the Whole Woman’s Health case (the Texas abortion case currently pending before the United States Supreme Court).   On March 2 the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, a […]

Human embryos In vitro fertilization University Faculty for Life

editing the human genome

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority in Great Britain has given approval for the Francis Crick Institute in London to begin altering the DNA in embryos. The embryos will be acquired through in vitro fertilization procedures and are to be killed after 14 days of life. Such callous disregard for human life reveals the inhumanity of in vitro fertilization procedures […]


Stith quoted in March for Life article

UFL member Richard Stith was quoted in an article by Terry Mattingly of GetReligion about the March for Life called “Define ‘hundreds,’ please: New York Times does epic job of dissin’ March For Life.” Among those in the crowd was Richard Stith, 71, an Indiana law professor who called himself a part of a segment […]


US Supreme Court refuses to review decision invalidating North Dakota’s heartbeat law

On Monday January 25, 2016, the US Supreme refused to review the 8th Circuit’s decision invalidating North Dakota’s heartbeat law. (MKB Mgmt. Corp. v. Stenehjem, 795 F. 3d 768 (8th Cir. 2015).) The North Dakota law banned abortions when the unborn child has a detectable heartbeat. The Eighth Circuit considered itself bound by the Supreme Court’s decisions […]

University Faculty for Life

21 Questions for Janet Smith

There is an excellent interview with UFL member Janet E. Smith by Sean Salai, S.J. in America Magazine, “Bioethics and the Catholic Church: 21 Questions for Janet E. Smith.”


New poll shows Americans are increasingly pro-life

On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade and of the annual March for Life, I thought it fitting to post this recent story about increasing support for the pro-life position. New Poll Shows Americans are Pro-Life on Abortion as Roe v. Wade Turns 43