University Faculty for Life

Conley on Laudato Si and Integral Econology

UFL member Fr. John Conley, S.J. recently wrote a piece for America magazine called, “An Elusive Integral Ecology.” Conley discusses the approach to the environment that influenced Pope Francis in writing his encyclical, Laudato Si, addressing the relationship between the economy and ecology and the non-economic components of the ecology that focuses on human relations.

Abortion Bioethics Constitutionality Court cases Legislation Politics Religious views Sidewalk Counseling

Camosy interview

Artur Rosman of the Patheos blog called “CosmosTheLost” recently interviewed Charles C. Camosy is Assistant Professor of Christian Ethics at Fordham University. “The Anti-Abortion Supermajority: Beyond the Abortion Wars.” Camosy is the author of Beyond the Abortion Wars: A Way Forward for a New Generation (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2015). In the interview Camosy discusses whether […]

Abortion Legislation Politics

State laws restricting abortions

LifeSiteNews has an article, “Progress: States have enacted dozens of pro-life laws so far in 2015,” by Dustin Siggins, discussing the increase in the number of state laws restricting abortion in the past few years.  They compare and contrast the Guttmacher Institute statistics with the Americans United for Life statistics.  Both show a clear increase in […]


Does Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage Cause An Increase in Abortions

There is evidence that legalization of same-sex marriage is associated with higher rates, ratios and rankings of abortion in American States.  That information was compiled and presented to the Supreme Court of the United States in an amicus brief filed in Obergefell v. Hodges by more than 100 scholars of marriage in support of the […]

Job opportunities

Senior Research Fellowship in History, Law, or Philosophy at All Souls College

This just in from the Philosophy Research Network: All Souls College Senior Research Fellowships in History, Law, and Philosophy HUM does not endorse or warrant any professional or job opening announcement, and assumes no liability regarding these announcements. When answering queries, please say you saw it on HUM. All Souls College Senior Research Fellowships in […]


Overcoming the Imaginative Barrier to Embryonic Personhood

Our immediate intuitions sometimes favor the pro-life position and sometimes oppose it. An ultrasound video of an unborn child sucking its thumb makes a case against abortion that reason hardly need supplement. But a zygote photographed just after an in vitro conception is not so easily recognizable as a human being or person. Pro-lifers often […]

University Faculty for Life

ProVita Summer edition in the works

I am beginning work on the summer edition of the online ProVita Newsletter of University Faculty for Life. Please send contributions in the following categories to the following e-mail address: [email protected].  The more contributions we get, the better the newsletter! UFL news (including chapter news). The scholarly activities of UFL member. Useful web sites or other […]

Conferences International United Nations

UN discusses the Right to Life

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights recently held a discussion on the meaning of the “right to life” on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. This link takes you to the papers.


Cooperation with Evil Flowchart

I just ran across this flow chart by David Rummelhoff that helps you decide whether an action you are thinking of taking is an illicit cooperation with evil. It is perhaps somewhat simplistic, as any such effort would be, but it does give one a path to follow in thinking about confusing situations. For those that aren’t […]

Abortion Research sites and suggestions

State-by-state stats on abortion between 2010 and 2013

The Washington Post published some AP statistics comparing the annual numbers of abortions in each state between 2010 and 2013. Five states do not keep statistics: California, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey and Wyoming.