Abortion Euthanasia

Another Life Issue: The Death Penalty

A former student of mine works for the Catholic Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska. He asked me to write a guest column for the diocesan newspaper clarifying what the teaching of the Catholic Church is regarding the death penalty. Since this is a topic of interest to many people, both Catholics and non-Catholics – in the […]


University Faculty for Life conference at St. Thomas in late May 2015

The annual meeting of University Faculty for Life will be held at the University of St. Thomas Law School on May 29-31, 2015. We have had two successful conferences at St. Thomas (2004 and 2009) and I hope many of you will return for this year’s conference. See here for registration information. I just received […]


Interesting Michael Paulsen essay

Here is a link to an interesting essay by Michael Paulsen entitled, “Passover, Abortion, and Rabbi Ruth Bader Ginsburg.”  

Assisted suicide Death and dying Euthanasia

Ryan Anderson on assisted suicide

Here is a link to an excellent paper on assisted suicide by Ryan Anderson.  The title explains his basic message: “Always Care, Never Kill: How Physician-Assisted Suicide Endangers the Weak, Corrupts Medicine, Compromises the Family, and Violates Human Dignity and Equality.”    


Randy Beck on “Fetal Viability and Twenty-Week Abortion Statutes”

Professor Randy Beck (University of Georgia School of Law) has written a series of terrific articles exploring the “viability” line created in Roe. Wade.  Here is a link to his recent article entitled “Fetal Viability and Twenty-Week Abortion Statutes.” The article is well worth a careful read. Here is his conclusion: “For over four decades, the Supreme Court has enforced […]


Abortion and Maternal Health: The Great Falsehood

One of the great factual frauds that Justice Harry Blackmun and six other Justices propounded in deciding Roe v. Wade is the claim that abortion generally are safer than childbirth.   Justice Blackmun, for the majority, declared: “Appellants and various amici refer to medical data indicating that abortion in early pregnancy, that is, prior to the […]


Professor Charles E. Rice, RIP

Professor Charles Rice–pro-life champion and long-time professor of law at Notre Dame Law School died last night. Here is a link to a book review of one of Charlie’s s most recent books. Eternal rest grant unto him,  O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the […]


tributes to Dr. Willke

Here are a couple of other tributes to Dr. Jack Willke. “Jack Willke, Witneess for Life,” by Chuck Donovan in First Things. “Father of the pro-life movement Jack Willke died on Friday,” on

University Faculty for Life

Dr. Jack Willke, RIP

Dr. John C. “Jack” Willke, father of the pro-life movement and long-time UFL member, died on February 20th. While this is a sad day for the right-to-life movement, let us be extremely grateful for his enduring pro-life work. His obituary notice can be found here. An article about his achievements for the pro-life movement can be found […]


Wait and Think About It

Utah reportedly has the longest abortion waiting period in the country.  In 2012 the Utah legislature extended the mandatory waiting period before abortion from 24 hours to 72 hours.  The executive director of Planned Parenthood in Utah called it “the most onerous law in the land.” The sponsor of the Bill, Rep. Steve Eliason, rejected […]