Conferences Court cases University Faculty for Life

Young v. UPS Roundtable

The United States Supreme Court will soon be ruling on the question of when employers must accommodate the needs of pregnant employees under the federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act. The Prolife Center at the University of St. Thomas joined with 22 other prolife organizations and Judicial Education Project in filing an amicus brief urging a broad […]

University Faculty for Life

Colosi writes homily hints

UFL member and moral theologian Peter Colosi has been asked by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Office for the New Evangelization to write “Homily Ideas” once a month from November, 2014 thru August 2015 in Preparation for the World Meeting of Families. The most recent “Homily Ideas” are posted each month on the official World Meeting of […]

Assisted suicide Canada Constitutionality Court Cases Euthanasia International

Carter v. Canada

Here are a couple of articles on today’s decision from the Supreme Court of Canada invalidating laws banning physician assisted suicide. The Court overruled its earlier decision in the Rodriguez case, which had rejected a constitutional challenge to such laws. Canada Strikes Down Ban on Assisted Suicide, Says it Violates the Right to Life […]

Bioethics Conferences Talks

Conference: Healing of Human Enhancement?

“The Center for Cultural and Pastoral Research is pleased to announce a symposium on “Healing or Human Enhancement? The Future of Medicine” at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family at The Catholic University of America on April 17-18, 2015…. “This symposium will discuss the profound questions surrounding the new […]


Reflections on Roe v. Wade and the March for Life

Even though the New York Times and other media outlets routinely ignore the March for Life, the annual March on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade is one of the most significant phenomena in recent American history. In its 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade, the United States Supreme Court thought it settled the abortion […]

Media treatment

March for Life coverage

See the links below. I still find it hard to believe how the March is downplayed in places such as the New York Times. I looked through the Times this morning and found a half a sentence referring to the March. That phrase mentioned that there were “thousands” of people in attendance. Hundreds of Thousands […]

Conferences Population Control Talks University Faculty for Life

Cardinal O’Connor Conference speaker update

Here are some more details about the speakers at the Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life this Saturday at Georgetown. Seán Cardinal O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston Panel: “The End of Intelligent Debate” Mona Charen, syndicated columnist and political analyst Richard M. Doerflinger, Associate Director of the Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities for the United States Conference of […]

University Faculty for Life

“Fall” 2014 ProVita Online Newsletter!

Okay, so it is a little late, but the current issue of ProVita is now available for download from the UFL web page. It features a nice essay by Fr. John Conley, SJ on the role of the discipline of philosophy in pro-life academic work.

Contraception University Faculty for Life

The theology of the body and reverence for life

UFL member Janet E. Smith has written an article for Our Sunday Visitor that highlights the connection between the theology of the body, sexuality and marriage, and reverence for new life. Our bodies, which are a gift from God, reveal that we are to be committed lovers who treasure new life God loves love; he […]

Conferences University Faculty for Life

Speakers for O’Connor Conference

The speakers list is now posted for the 2015 Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life on January 24 at Georgetown University, in conjunction with the March for Life. The conference is co-sponsored by UFL. The keynote speaker will be Cardinal Sean O’Malley, of Boston. Among the other speakers will be: Panel: “The End of Intelligent Debate” […]