
Does The Adoption Of Genderless Marriage Lead To More Abortions?

Does The Adoption Of Genderless Marriage Lead To More Abortions?   Among the six European nations that first allowed same-sex marriage—either overtly or indirectly—there appears to have been a substantial increase in abortion.  Those six nations are listed in the following chart, which shows the years in which each nation either redefined marriage in genderless […]

Conferences University Faculty for Life

UFL Scholarly Achievement Award

One of the highlights of the UFL Life and Learning Conference every June is the Scholarly Achievement Award in Creative Writing, Literary Criticism, or Research given to talented undergraduate and graduate students.  This year the awards were given by Jeff Koloze and Clara Sarrocco at the Saturday night banquet in an Oscar-style presentation, complete with “And the […]

Abortion Court cases

HHS Mandate court ruling in Oklahoma

According to a National Catholic Register article, A federal judge in Oklahoma has issued an injunction that protects several Catholic organizations, including for-profit ones, from the enforcement of the HHS “contraception” mandate. The plaintiffs used the Religious Freedom Restoration Act as the basis of their suit. The judge affirmed the core ruling in the Hobby Lobby cases […]

Conferences Religious views Talks University Faculty for Life

First plenary session: Mother Agnes Donovan, SV

The first plenary session on Saturday of the Life and Learning Convention featured Mother Agnes Donovan of the Sisters for Life. The title of her talk was “Witness to Truth: A Spirituality to Sustain Us.” Mother Agnes invited pro-life activists to invite the doubtful and the hurting into a relationship of love with Jesus, who […]

Canada Euthanasia International Legislation

Quebec approves euthanasia

Here is LifeNews story reporting on Quebec’s recent approval of voluntary euthanasia. Here is a link to commentary by Wesley Smith, .  Richard M.

Conferences University Faculty for Life

UFL Conference a success!

This past weekend UFL held its annual Life and Learning Conference on the beautiful, rose-bedecked campus of Fordham University in the Bronx. The meeting featured a combination of keynote speakers, break-out sessions, and awards banquets. Among the highlights was the presentation of the annual Smith Award to Helen Alvaré, Professor of Law at George Mason University […]

Conferences University Faculty for Life

UFL Conference details, June 6-7

More details about the 2014 Life and Learning Conference are now available on the UFL Conference web page. Resides registration and housing information, you will find a detailed schedule and information about transportation. Registration begins at 12:00 p.m. on Friday. The conference runs through the Saturday evening banquet. Note that the Smith award will be given […]

Europe Euthanasia

Euthanasia rates rise in Belgium and other statistics reports that euthanasia has increased in Belgium 26.8% in 2013.  This is after a 25% increase in 2012.  The article also includes statistics about unreported euthanasia and involuntary euthanasia.

Abortion Conferences

Roe at 40: The Controversy Continues

The Washington & Lee Law Review just published the papers from the “Roe at 40” conference held at W & L on November 7, 2013. Much of the funding for this conference came from University Faculty for Life (UFL). The conference was largely made possible through the efforts of Sam Calhoun (who is a member of […]

Abortion Mental health Women's health

Report on ignored research about negative effects of abortion

The Institute for Marriage and Family Canada has issued a report called “Interconnected How abortion impacts mothers, families and our society,”on neglected research that shows how abortion can negatively affect the lives of those who are involved, according to Among the areas covered are mental health and relationships and sexuality.