Abortion Women's health

new study on abortion/breast cancer link

Here is a link to a National Right to Life News story on an important new study on the link between abortion and breast cancer. Richard Myers

Abortion Religious views

Pope Francis and abortion

It was trendy for a while to picture Pope Francis as “soft” on social issues that other popes were “hardliners” about, such as abortion. In his new Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis makes his most authoritative statement on abortion. Let’s let him speak for himself: 213. Among the vulnerable for whom the Church wishes to […]

Research sites and suggestions

Interpreting Scientific Studies

For us lay people who might be easily misled by journalists’ claims about scientific studies, here is some advice from Dr. Alex B. Berezow of the RealClearScience web page, “20 Tips for Analyzing Claims of a Scientific Study.” It is a summary of a Nature article by William J. Sutherland, David Spiegelhalter and Mark A. Burgman called “Twenty […]


More thoughts in response to Albuquerque

I’ve noticed in general that there are no activists working against late-term abortion among all the folks who claim they think life begins sometime after conception. In other words, even after they recognize the existence of life, they don’t much care about protecting it. Many say they will put up with a little protection, as […]

Abortion Fetal anomolies and disabilities Fetal pain Late-term abortion Politics

That Albuquerque vote

As far as I know, this is the only time in the modern world that there has been a popular vote precisely to let kids of this age (20+ weeks) be killed on request. (America made a judicial decision to this effect. China & North Korea are the only two bodies to have made a […]

Colleges and Universities Planned Parenthood

Students for Life America Planned Parenthood Project

Here is an article from the National Catholic Register about Students for Life America’s Planned Parenthood Project, a campaign where they disseminated information about PP on their campus to raise awareness of the real intentions, tactics, and affect of PP. You may have seen them on your campus. The reactions, both positive and negative, are […]

Bioethics Conferences University Faculty for Life

CMA Bootcamp 2013

Peter Colosi, UFL member and a professor of philosophy and moral theology at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, has been actively involved in the development of an ethics boot camp for medical students sponsored by the Catholic Medical Association. Here is a video highlighting the first one, held this summer.

Abortion Conferences Constitutionality Sex-selection abortion University Faculty for Life

Roe at 40 conference

On November 7-8, 2013, Washington & Lee University School of Law hosted a conference marking the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The conference, Roe at 40: The Controversy Continues,,  was largely organized by Sam Calhoun (a member of the UFL Board). The conference was co-sponsored by University Faculty for Life, ACLU of Virginia, Virginia NOW, the […]

Constitutionality Contraception Population Control Talks

Collett on the history of contraception laws

Here is a video of Teresa Collett’s talk at Franciscan University Steubenville about the history of contraception laws. She spends significant time on the “right to privacy” discovered in the Griswold  v. Connecticut case that was used in Roe v. Wade. She also spends significant time discussing the HHS mandate, referring to the possible abortifacient effect […]

Research sites and suggestions

AAPLOG position papers

The American Association of Pro Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists has a page of position statements on various issues. The AAPLOG is a 2500 member strong organization of physicians, para-medical personnel, medical students, and organizations and affiliates that seek to promote the cause of life in their work and among their colleagues. Topics include: IS ABORTON […]