Call for Papers Conferences Research sites and suggestions University Faculty for Life

July ProVita available!

The July edition of the ProVita Online Newsletter of UFL is now available! It includes: A recap of the 2013 conference in San Francisco, An essay on the academic discipline of history and pro-life scholarship by Keith Cassidy, Information about the 2014 conference at Fordham in the Bronx, News and and recent scholarship about UFL members, Upcoming […]

Bioethics Uncategorized

Kaczor’s New Book

Chris Kaczor, professor of philosophy at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, recently published A Defense of Dignity: Creating Life, Destroying Life, and Protecting the Rights of Conscience (University of Notre Dame Press, 2013) as part of the Notre Dame Studies in Medical Ethics series. The book addresses beginning- and end-of-life issues in light of the […]

Abortion Bioethics Uncategorized

Pregnancy in the case of rape?

People who are doing research in the area of pregnancy resulting from rape may want to be aware of and respond to a blog post on the web page that calls into question the idea that the distress from rape suppresses ovulation. The article states: “As controversial as the subject of abortion is, irrespective of […]

Abortion Clinic regulation Court cases Informed consent Legislation Planned Parenthood Politics Surgical abortion Ultrasound

Wisconsin Ultrasound Law

Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin recently signed into law a bill known as Sonya’s Law (Act 37) that requires an ultrasound before an abortion. The law also requires that the doctor have “admitting privileges” at a hospital within 30 miles of the clinic. Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and others are challenging the law in court. […]


Student’s Guide to Bioethics

The U.S. Jérôme Lejeune Foundation has recently released for download an English version of a revised edition of their Student’s Guide to Bioethics (Manuel Bioéthique des Jeunes, 2006). The guide “puts critical questions facing our society and culture on an objectively scientific basis. It encourages readers to make well-informed judgments based upon scientific fact and […]

Abortion minors Surgical abortion

Fewer surgical abortions in Michigan this year

According to Right to Life Michigan’s analysis of statistics from the Michigan Department of Community Health, the number of abortions has dropped 53% since 1987. The percentage of teenage abortions has dropped as well. See article.

Abortion Europe International Legislation

Abortion Rules in Europe

A recent BBC article lists the various rules for abortion in European countries. Malta is the only country that has a complete ban. Many countries allow it “on request,” but usually not after 12 weeks. Sweden allows it on request up to 18 weeks. Any country that allows it beyond 18 weeks has certain conditions, […]

Fetal Development Research sites and suggestions Uncategorized University Faculty for Life

Another Article about Dr. Jérôme Lejeune

Here on the National Catholic Register web page is an article about Dr. Jérôme Lejeune, “father of modern genetics,” candidate for Catholic sainthood, and former adviser to UFL. The focus of this article is on the U.S. Jérôme Lejeune Foundation, which continues the work he started to help care for people with Down’s Syndrome and to look for […]

University Faculty for Life

ProVita coming soon!

The July edition of the ProVita online newsletter of the University Faculty for Life should be out in the next couple of weeks. If you have anything you would like to be included in the issue, e-mail [email protected]. Items we are looking for are: Recent important research in any discipline on life-related issues, whether supportive of […]

Abortion Constitutionality Free Speech

4th Circuit rules on compelled speech cases involving crisis pregnancy centers

Here is a link to a National Right to Life News story on the 4th Cicuit’s recent (July 3, 2013) decision in two 1st Amendment cases involving crisis pregnancy centers. Here is a link to a Washington Post story. Both cases involve local ordinances that require that pregnancy centers make certain disclosures. The 4th Circuit […]