Conferences University Faculty for Life

Join Us June 6-7 in New York for the 2014 “Life and Learning Conference”

The Board has confirmed that the 2014 “Life and Learning XXIV Conference” at Fordham University’s Rose Hill campus in Bronx, NY.  Mark your calendars now to join us June 6-7 in the Big Apple!  More details will be posted on our website and blog as they develop.

Abortion Constitutionality Fetal pain Uncategorized

NY Times article on Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

Here is a link to an interesting article in today’s New York Times. The article discusses the pending House consideration of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, although the article available on-line doesn’t manage to mention the title of the proposed bill until the 24th paragraph. The article is all about what the Times can only understand […]

Conferences Talks Uncategorized

The Gospel of Life and the New Evangelization

In Rome at the Vatican this weekend the Holy See is presenting a “Day Celebrating Evangelium Vitae,” Pope John Paul II’s 1995 encyclical on life issues.  UFL board member Frank Beckwith is one of the presenters at a panel called “The Gospel of Life and the New Evangelization.”  In an interview with Vatican Radio Beckwith […]


Dr. Edmund Pellegrino, R.I.P.

Dr. Edmund Pellegrino died yesterday at 92. Dr. Pellegrino was the recipient of University Faculty for Life’s Smith Award for distinguished contributions to pro-life scholarship. Here is a link to a brief comment that I posted on the Mirror of Justice blog. Dr. Pellegrino was a giant in the field of bioethics and he influenced many with his voluminous writings […]


A response to the NY Times article “What Happens to Women Who Are Denied Abortions?”

Priscilla K. Coleman, Director of the World Expert Consortium for Abortion Research and Education (WECARE) responds to the June 12 NY Times article by Josha Lang called  “What Happens to Women Who are Denied Abortions.” Her article, called “What Really Happens to Women Who are Not Denied Abortions? Best Not to Ask NY Times Journalist Joshua […]

Abortion Constitutionality Fetal pain

House Committee passes Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

The House Judiciary Committee passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. The Act would provide protection for unborn children capable of feeling pain, beginning at 20 weeks after fertilization. The full House is expected to take up the bill next week. Richard M.

Abortion Research sites and suggestions South America

A link between abortion laws and maternal mortality?

A study by Elard Koch, et. al. maternal death rate in Chile over the past few decades shows that the downward trend in maternal mortality rate was not slowed by the prohibition of abortion in 1989, contrary to assertions that maternal mortality rates will increase where abortion is made illegal.  The study, called “Women’s Education […]

Abortion Adoption Late-term abortion Mental health Women's health

What Happens to Women Denied Abortions?

In What Happens to Women Who Are Denied Abortions, the New York Times writes about a study finding women who are denied abortions have no more emotional and mental health problems after the birth of the child than women who have abortions.  The women also regularly bond with their child.  The study finds, however, that the women and their […]

Abortion History

Is Ruth Bader Ginsburg Getting Mellow in Her Old Age?

Over on the Human Life Review blog, John M. Grondelski, former associate dean of the School of Theology, at Seton Hall University poses the question Is Ruth Bader Ginsburg Getting Mellow in Her Old Age?  His comments accord with those of UFL member Sam Calhoun in his presentation critiquing the Siegel-Greenhouse book, Before Roe v. Wade.

Bioethics Research sites and suggestions

Washingon Insider

For updates about the relationship between governmental policy and bioethics (with a Catholic focus), the National Catholic Bioethics Center published the Washington Insider.  It is produced quarterly by Richard Doerflinger, Associate Director of the USCCB Secretariat of Pro-life Activities, and William Saunders, Senior Vice President and Senior Counsel of Americans United for Life. Much of the […]