Abortion Clinic regulation Fetal pain Informed consent Late-term abortion Legislation minors Parental involvement Planned Parenthood Surgical abortion Ultrasound Women's health

Guttmacher Institute Updates Summary of US Abortion Laws

The Guttmacher Institute, a research organization started by Planned Parenthood, has updated its annual survey of abortion laws in the United States.  You can view it here.  I occasionally dispute the characterization of a law, but find it to be a good starting point for research.

Abortion Colleges and Universities Opinion polls

Short survey of young adults’ attitudes on abortion

Today Michael New published a short article on the NRO website, The College Republicans’ Report Has Good Advice On Abortion.  He provides a short survey of several opinion polls and concludes: “The opinions of young adults on the issue of abortion tend to be nuanced. Many polls show that young people are somewhat less likely […]

Abortion Late-term abortion

Why do we still tolerate post-viability abortions?

Mark Osler, a colleague at St. Thomas expert on criminal sentencing, presented a paper questioning why so many states still allow post-viability abortions.  His paper “Roe’s Ragged Remnant: Viability” is now available on SSRN.  It is a nice snapshot of the current state of the law and worth reading.

Fetal Development Talks

Three Ted Talks on Fetal Development that Help Build the Prolife Case

Most academics are aware of TED talks – a global initiative to make short (18 minutes or less) speeches on important and interesting topics available for free via the worldwide web.   This can be a great resource for academics who want to introduce videos into their teaching.  Annie Murphy Paul: What we learn before we’re […]

Abortion Health exception Late-term abortion Legislation Women's health

The Medical Case Against Late Term Abortions

Public Discourse has a great article, Cuomo’s Women’s Equality Act Will Harm Women, outlining the evidence that late-term abortions are never medically indicated.  Quoting from Congressional testimony and reports of maternal-fetal specialists, the authors make a compelling case that women suffering from serious medical conditions during the last half of pregnancy are better served by induced […]

Abortion Constitutionality Court cases Medical abortion Ultrasound

Two abortion regulations go to US Supreme Court Conference

On June 20, the U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether to hear two abortion cases coming out of Oklahoma.  The Oklahoma legislature has long been a leader in prolife legislation.  The main opponent of abortion regulation and legislation in the state is a Tulsa abortion clinic, Reproductive Service, which is part of the larger abortion company, […]

Abortion Constitutionality Sex-selection abortion

ACLU sues to challenge Arizona law prohibiting abortions for race and sex selection

Here is a link to a LifeNews story on the ACLU suit challenging the constitutionality of Arizona’s ban on abortions for race and sex selection. This is an interesting and risky move by the ACLU.  Laws restricting abortion for race and sex selection are popular. Supporters of abortion rights have increasingly argued that abortion […]

Abortion History

What is the Best Article on Legal History of Abortion Regulation prior to Roe?

In his presentation, “The Logic of Roe v. Wade and the Quality of Its Arguments,” Frank Beckwith noted that James Witherspoon’s 1985 article, Reexamining Roe: nineteenth-century abortion statutes and the Fourteenth Amendment, is the best short critique of Justice Blackmun’s distorted history of abortion law in Roe v. Wade.  Add to this Joseph Dellapenna’s magisterial work, Dispelling […]

Abortion Clinic regulation Philosophy

The Morality of Undercover Prolife Work

Janet Smith gave a great plenary address at this years UFL Conference on the question of whether it is morally permissible to lie to abortion clinic workers to obtain the truth about their practices.  She notes at the outset that both St. Thomas and St. Augustine believed that all lies are immoral, but in some […]

Assisted suicide Philosophy

Wesley Smith Presentation on “The Danger of an Undignified Bioethics”

Wesley Smith, a plenary speaker at the 2013 Life and Learning Conference, opened with the question, “Why, when medical science has gone so far to limit and eliminate pain, are we considering ‘the right to die,’ ‘death with dignity,’ and ‘assisted suicide’?” He believes that the answer lies in Yuval Levin’s explanation that “health” has become a […]