
Vademecum of the anthropology of Bl. John Paul II

Bl. Pope John Paul II did a great deal both philosophically and theologically to bolster the culture of life both before and during his pontificate. Many of you may use his thought in your teaching and research.  The Humanitas Christian Anthropology and Culture Review of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile has published a  free downloadable Vademecum of […]

University Faculty for Life

ProVita coming soon!

I am beginning work on the April ProVita UFL Newsletter.  Please forward to me any items you would like to have included.  Here are the categories: UFL News Members in the News Member’s publications and presentations Calls for papers and other opportunities Resources on the web Important scholarship (both pro-life and otherwise). Other news and […]


American Academy of Religion call for papers

One very large venue for presenting papers is the annual AAR/SBL meeting. This year it will be in Baltimore Nov. 23-26.  Paper proposals are due this Friday (Mar. 1), which doesn’t give you much time, but there are a LOT of areas to present in. You may already be working on something that will fit […]

Abortion Parental involvement

Marco Rubio to introduce CIANA

Here’s a link to a story in the National Right to Life News about Marco Rubio’s plan to introduce CIANA (the Child Interstare Abortion Notification Act). Teresa Collett (president of University Faculty for Life) and I have testified before congressional hearings in support of CIANA. Richard M.


Graphic images in public

One of the perennial debates among pro-life activists is whether to use graphic images of abortion in public. Recently blogger Simcha Fisher weighed in on the National Catholic Register with “Eight Reasons Not to Use Graphic Abortion Images at the March for Life.” Responding with the opposing opinion on the Pro-Life Action League web page was […]

University Faculty for Life

ProVita Electronic Newsletter

The most recent edition of the Provita Electronic Newsletter of the UFL is now available online. Among the features is “Law and Life: the Dignity of Life and the Teaching of Law,” an essay by Lucia H. Silecchia about how one promotes the culture of life within the academic discipline of the law. This is another […]

Abortion Constitutionality Court cases

Roe 40th Symposium

The Witherspoon Institute‘s Public Discourse is beginning a daily symposium commemorating the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.  Contributors include: Ryan T. Anderson, “On the Fortieth Anniversary of Roe v. Wade: A Public Discourse Symposium” Elise Italiano, “Forty Years Later: It’s Time for a New Feminism” Michael New, “Abortion Promises Unfulfilled” Daniel K. Williams, “The Real Reason […]

Abortion Opinion polls

“Pew Poll on Abortion Absurdly Inaccurate”

That’s the title of a good commentary from the National Right to Life News on the recent Pew poll on abortion. Richard M.

Abortion Constitutionality Court cases

Beckwith on Roe at 40, part 2

The second installment of Frank Beckwith’s analysis of the Roe decision has been posted on The Catholic Thing web page. In this part, Beckwith address two components of Blackmun’s opinion, “(1) the argument from the claim that the fetus is protectable under the Fourteenth Amendment if it is in fact a person, and (2) the […]


Hadley Arkes to speak in North Carolina on Roe v Wade Anniversary

Thomas International is sponsoring a pair of talks by Hadley Arkes, Edward N. Ney Professor in American Institutions (Political Science) at Anherst College on Jan. 22. 12:00 p.m., “Natural Law, Abortion, and the Crisis of Conservative Jurisprudence” at the Duke Law School in Durham, NC 8:00 p.m., “The Endgame on Abortion: Where Are We Now?” University of North […]