
Alabama Supreme Court ruling protects unborn children

Here is a link to a recent (January 11, 2013) ruling from the Alabama Supreme Court holding that the state’s chemical endangerment of a child law applies to protect unborn children.  The ruling came in two cases involving two women whose use of illegal drugs while pregnant caused harm to their unborn children. An […]

Abortion Court cases

fictional abortion history

Justice Blackmun’s discussion of the history of abortion in Roe v. Wade has been much criticized. Here is a good piece by Justin Dyer on the the fallacies of Justice Blackmun’s treatment of the issue. Richard M.


Roe at 40

Frank Beckwith has written a two-part essay on Roe at 40.  The first part is available on The Catholic Thing. In it he discusses the failure of the court to address the moral status of the unborn. I hope to aggregate a collection of such reflections for the next issue of the ProVita newsletter. If you […]

Abortion Media treatment Opinion polls

commentary on the Time magazine cover story

The Time magazine cover story (“40 Years Ago, Abortion-Rights Activists Won an Epic Victory With Roe v. Wade. They’ve Been Losing Ever Since.”) is generating a lot of commentary. Here are some samples of the commentary. Richard M.  


Time Magazine and abortion

According to, Time is running a cover story about the long defeat for pro-abortion advocates. They even include an article by pro-life advocate Emily Buchanan of the Susan B. Anthony List.  I haven’t read the issue, but it is interesting that Time is acknowledging the decline in support for unrestricted abortion. I also wonder, though, in light […]

University Faculty for Life

Scholarly Achievement Award (undergrad and grad)

You are undoubtedly beginning to prepare for the second semester.  As part of your planning, you might consider promoting the UFL Scholarly Achievement Award in Creative Writing, Literary Criticism, or Research, which is coordinated by Dr. Jeff Koloze.  Here are the details: University Faculty for Life Scholarly Achievement Award in Creative Writing, Literary Criticism, or Research […]


more on the passing of Richard wilkins

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a brief note on the passing of Richard Wilkins. Professor Wilkins, an emeritus professor at BYU Law School, was a strong and devoted defender of the traditional family and the pro-life cause. His colleague Lynn Wardle sent me this note— “It is with deep sadness that I report […]

Abortion Constitutionality Court cases Free Speech Pregnancy Assistance Centers

important 4th Circuit argument today

The full United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit will be hearing oral argument today in Centro Tepeyac v. Montgomery County. The suit, filed by a crisis pregnancy center, challenges a Montgomery County law that forces such centers to notify women that the centers do not have a medical professional on staff and encouraging […]

Abortion Constitutionality Sex-selection abortion

Planned Parenthood opposes Utah bill banning sex-selection abortions

Here is a link to a story describing Planned Parenthood’s opposition to a bill in Utah that would ban sex-selection abortions. Richard M.  

Abortion Constitutionality Fetal pain

Georgia fetal pain law challenged

The Georgia ACLU has challenged Georgia’s statute prohibiting abortions after 20 weeks to prevent fetal pain. Here is an earlier post on the passage of the Georgia law. Richard M.