University Faculty for Life

Call for Papers in First Things

The call for papers for the 23rd annual University Faculty for Life conference is on page 63 of the most recent issue of First Things (October 2012 issue). (The same information is on the UFL website, ) The conference will be at the University of San Francisco on May 31-June1, 2013. Richard M.  


Scholarship and the transformation of the heart

In an election year there is an awful lot of emphasis on the political component of the promotion of the culture of life. The first responsibility of the state is to protect innocent himan life. We long for and strive for the day when the law of the land in American and around the world […]

Abortion Legislation Politics

Pro-life voting

I don’t think that I want to comment one way or the other on the question of whether those who regard abortion as a political issue of the greatest importance should vote for Mitt Romney, or more generally for Republicans, this fall (and in any case I definitely don’t want to do so right now). I […]


Michael Paulsen essay on abortion and rape

Here is a good essay (The Right to Life and the Irrelevance of Rape) by Michael Paulsen. Here is key portion of his argument: “The fact of rape is irrelevant. Rape is tragic, awful, horrible, gut-wrenching—an unspeakable crime of great emotional harm—but rape is essentially irrelevant to the morality of abortion. The issue is […]


Good news for researchers in controversial areas reports here that the University of Texas has found that there was insufficient evidence to investigate research done by Mark Regnerus into the effects of same-sex parenting on children. Regnerus had been accused by LGBT activists of fraudulent research. If this is evidence of a trend, it bodes well for pro-life researchers, who also […]

Abortion Presidential Actions

interesting essay on abortion and judicial conservatism

On Public Discourse, here is the first part of a two-part essay by Michael Fragoso entitled “Abortion and the Courts: A Brief Political History of Judicial Conservatism.” Fragoso takes issue with the view that presidential elections don’t matter because judges appointed by Republican presidents have been, from the perspective of the pro-life movement, “at best–part of the problem  […]

Abortion Research sites and suggestions Uncategorized

Sneak peek at upcoming publications

One of the ways to get a heads up on upcoming books in the area of Abortion, Euthanasia, and Infanticide is to go to Amazon (or some other book store, I presume) and type in “Abortion” or whatever in the search field. Then sort by publishing date. The first books that show up will be […]

Abortion Constitutionality Court cases Free Speech Pregnancy Assistance Centers

4th Circuit will rehear important crisis pregnancy center/free speech cases

Back in June, I reported on two important decisions from the Fourth Circuit.   Those cases involved laws that require crisis pregnancy centers to post notices stating that the centers don’t have medical professionals on staff and encouraging women to consult with a licensed health care provider. In June, a panel of the Fourth Circuit held that these compelled speech laws […]

Abortion Feminism Politics

Michael New’s review of Jane Gilroy’s book on Ellen McCormack

Here is a link to Michael New’s review of Jane Gilroy’s book on Ellen McCormack.  McCormack’s 1976 presidential campaign was an important moment in the history of the pro-life movement. New notes: “This campaign is nicely chronicled in Jane Gilroy’s new book A Shared Vision. Gilroy gives some well-deserved attention to the accomplishments of a […]


Horatio Robinson Storer, M.D. (1830-1922)

Dr. Frederick Dyer, Ph.D., has created an extensive archive of materials about Horatio Robinson Storer, M.D. (1830-1922), one of the early physicians who crusaded against abortion in the second half of the 19th century. According to the web page, Storer, a Boston physician, was not only instrumental in getting anti-abortion laws on the books in various […]