Abortion Bioethics Contraception Court cases Legislation Medical abortion Organ Donation Philosophy

Highlighting a few recent items in the National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly

The Spring 2012 NCBQ arrived in yesterday’s mail (many academic journals tend to run a few months behind), and I’d like to make brief mention of several things from the previous issue (Winter 2011) and the new one. In the Winter 2011 issue there is a review, by Germain Kopaczynski, OFM, of Joseph W. Dellapenna’s Dispelling the Myths […]

Abortion Constitutionality Fetal pain

9th Circuit enjoins Arizona’s law banning abortion after 20 weeks

Here is a link to a LifeNews article on the 9th Circuit’s ruling to enjoin an Arizona law banning abortions after 20 weeks based on fetal pain. On July 30, 2012, Judge Teilborg of the US District Court for the District of Arizona upheld the constitutionality of the Arizona law. Judge Teilborg’s ruling included this passage: […]


HHS Mandate

There are other examples of members contributing to the discussion of the HHS mandate that didn’t make it into ProVita. For example, theologian Peter Colosi from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia wrote these pieces: July 2, 2012 Crisis Magazine The HHS Mandate: What Now, In Light of the Supreme Court Ruling? (Part 3 of 3) […]


July ProVita Newsletter now available

A new edition of the ProVita Online Newsletter for UFL is now available on the UFL web page. Also available are past issues of ProVita. ProVita not only has news about UFL and its members, but also scholarly resources and opportunities for pro-life faculty. Note, some of the scholarly opportunities have a deadline in the […]

Assisted suicide Death and dying Euthanasia

“Dutch Doctors Use ‘Deep Sedation’ to Hide Assisted Suicides”

Here is a link to a good piece by Dr. Peter Saunders addressing this issue. The use of “terminal sedation” to advance the euthanasia movement is worth careful attention. The use of “deep sedation” or “terminal sedation” needs to be distinguished from a legitimate technique–the use of sedation for symptom relief (so-called “palliative sedation”).     There is a careful treatment of […]

Assisted suicide Europe Euthanasia International

dangerous developments with regard to the Swiss law on assisted suicide

Here is a link to a good post by Wesley Smith noting that the Swiss law allowing assisted suicide is being extended to an increasingly larger number of “target groups.” Here’s the opening of the post: “Once a society accepts the fundamental premises of assisted suicide–e.g., radical individualism and killing as an acceptable answer to suffering–there really are […]

Abortion Court cases Opinion polls Politics

pro-life gains since the Casey decision

It has been 20 years since the Supreme Court’s decision in Planned Parenthood v. Casey. On the 20th anniversary of this landmark decision, there has been much recent reflection about the impact of Casey. In LifeNews, Dr. Michael New notes Clarke Forsythe’s recent National Review commentary on Casey and offers some comments of his own. Here […]

Abortion Clinic regulation Constitutionality

Mississippi abortion law enjoined

Here is a link to a LifeNews story on a decision from a federal judge enjoining Mississippi’a abortion law. The new Mississippi law required abortion practioners to have admitting privileges at local hospitals. The effect of the new law would likely have been to make Mississippi the only state in the country without an abortion clinic. Richard M.

Abortion Pregnancy Assistance Centers

important decisions from the 4th Circuit in crisis pregnancy center cases

Yesterday, the 4th Circuit ruled (in 2-1 decisions) on 2 cases involving laws that compelled crisis pregnancy centers to engage in certain speech. Here are links to the decisions. and The court held that the compelled speech ordinances violated the First Amendement rights of the centers.  Among other things, the ordinances required the centers to […]

Abortion infanticide

more on infanticide

Here is a link to an interesting essay in the Washington Post by Charles C. Camosy. (Here is Wesley Smith commenting on Camosy’s essay. Camosy begins by noting the controversy over the article on “after-birth abortion.” He mentions that the Journal of Medical Ethics, where the original article appeared, is going to publish an issue devoted to infanticide […]