Abortion Fetal pain

DC Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

Here is a story on the most recent local effort to ban abortions after 20 weeks to avoid fetal pain. Teresa Collett (who is the president of University Faculty for Life and has been a leader in this fight) is featured prominently in the National Right to Life News article. Richard M.

Abortion Conscience protection

new Kansas law protects conscience rights

Governor Brownback (Kansas) has signed a new law strengthening the protection for the right of conscience. The new law prevents “anyone from being required to prescribe or administer a drug they ‘reasonably believe’ might result in an abortion. The measure is seen as an update or upgrade to existing law, approved in 1969, allowing doctors the right to […]


“The Trouble with Futile Care Theory”

That’s the title of a post by Wesley Smith. The post and another comment by Smith (to which he links) focuses on the very troubling Rasouli case from Canada. Here’s a comment from Smith: “Futile Care Theory is only the first step toward a coming duty to die. Think of Futile Care Theory as ad hoc health […]

Abortion Eugenics infanticide

Supplement to Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought published

Along with Joe Varacalli and Michael Coulter, I had the privilege of co-editing the 3rd volume of the Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought, Social Science, and Social Policy. The original 2 volumes were published in 2007 (Steve Krason was the 4th co-editor of those volumes). Here are a couple of links to volume 3. and […]

Assisted suicide Euthanasia Legislation

Georgia bans assisted suicide

Georgia has now banned assisted suicide. Georgia’s law banning advertising for assisted suicide had been held unconstitutional by the Georgia Supreme Court on First Amendment grounds. This new law bans the practice of assisted suicide, and according to the Lifenews article, makes Georgia the 39th state with such a criminal prohibition. Richard M.

Abortion Fetal pain

Georgia bans abortions based on fetal pain

Here is a Lifenews story on recent developments in Georgia. Georgia is the latest state to enact a ban on abortions to avoid fetal pain. Here is the opening sentence: “Governor Nathan Deal of Georgia delighted pro-life advocates today by signing a law that would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy based on the […]

Abortion Sex-selection abortion

The US ought to ban sex-selection abortions

Here’s a good piece by Rebecca Taylor calling for the US to ban sex-selection abortions. Here is the conclusion of the article: “And it is time for sex selection in the U.S. to end. At the minimum we need federal legislation like PRENDA that would make aborting a fetus based on gender a crime. And […]

Abortion Constitutionality Fetal pain Legislation

Teresa Collett defending Pain-Capable Child Protection Acts

Here is a good article on the Public Discourse website  by Teresa Collett (president of University Faculty for Life) defending Pain-Capable Child Protection Acts. Teresa explains:  “These laws are premised on the idea that an unborn child’s capacity to feel pain, independent of fetal viability, is sufficient to establish the humanity of the child and […]

Death and dying Eugenics Euthanasia Health Care Reform

good article by Wesley Smith on the bigotry against the disabled

Here is a link to a recent post on Wesley Smith’s blog. Smith links to an article he recently published in the Human Life Review on “the unrepentant bigotry” against people with profound disabilities. Here are the closing paragraphs of the article: “Activists and their supporters who struggle against racism and other forms of discriminatory […]

Abortion Conscience protection

“The Constitutional Right Not to Kill”

That’s the title of a new article (link to an abstract below) by Mark Rienzi (Catholic U). Rienzi argues that there is a federal due process right not to be forced to kill. The right arises in a variety of contexts–military operations, capital punishment, assisted suicide, abortion, and self-defense or defense of others. Rienzi doesn’t enter […]