
“Murder not the answer to Alzheimer’s”

That’s the title of a recent post by Wesley Smith. Smith was commenting on a good article by David Brooks who discussed a recent murder-suicide. Charles Snelling, who in December had published a moving article about caring for his wife who had Alzheimer’s, murdered his wife and then committed suicide.  It is difficult to comment on such a […]

Abortion Court cases International South America United Nations

Argentine Supreme Court abortion decision

Here  is a link to a C-Fam story on a recent abortion decision from the Supreme Court of Argentine. The Court found that there was a constitutional right to abortion in the case of rape. This conclusion was based on international law, although not the type of international law actually embodied in a treaty. Rather, the decision was […]

Abortion Constitutionality Court cases Ultrasound

Oklahoma ultrasound law enjoined

Here is a story from the National Right to Life News about a recent decision from an Oklahoma court enjoining Oklahoma’s ultrasound law. Here is additional information and critical analysis about the decision.   Richard M.

Abortion Parental involvement

House committee approves CIANA

Here is a Lifenews story on the House Judiciary Committee vote to approve the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act. The Act would make it a federal crime to transport a minor across state lines to circumvent a state law requiring parental involvement in the minor’s decision to have an abortion. UPDATE: Here is a […]

Abortion Constitutionality Free Speech Informed consent

article by Gaylord and Molony on “A Woman’s Right to Know”

I just saw this new article by Scott Gaylord and Thomas Molony. The article is entitled “Casey and A Woman’s Right to Know: Ultrasounds, Informed Consent, and the First Amendment.” The authors conclude “that the  goverment has broad authority to mandate disclosures designed to inform a woman’s decision about an abortion.” The article contains a very useful […]

Abortion Legislation

Pro-life legislation in the states

Courtesy of the National Right to Life News and Mary Spaulding Balch, here is an encouraging story describing recent pro-life legislation in the states. Richard M.


“Declaring War on Newborns: The disgrace of medical ethics”

That’s the title of an excellent article by Andrew Ferguson. Ferguson critiques the recent article on “After-birth abortion” that has caused such a stir. See Richard M.

Research sites and suggestions University Faculty for Life

Pro Vita newsletter

I wanted to call attention to the release of Pro Vita, the online newsletter of University Faculty for Life. The newsletter is edited by Dr. Robert Gotcher. The link is to the inaugural issue of this new resource. For many years, UFL’s newsletter was edited by Father Thomas King, SJ and Frank Zapatka. Dr. Gotcher generously […]

Abortion Mental health

abortion and mental health

Here is a link to a recent statement from Dr. Priscilla Coleman on abortion and mental health. The statement addresses recent criticisms of her scholarly work on this topic. Richard m.

Abortion Legislation minors Parental involvement

House hearing on CIANA

Here is a LifeNews story about today’s hearing on CIANA (the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act). Here is a link to commentary on CIANA from Bill Saunders and Mary Harned. CIANA, according to Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who has introduced CIANA in each Congress since 2005, would make it a federal crime to transport a minor across state […]