Abortion Constitutionality Court cases Free Speech Informed consent

Texas sonogram law can be enforced

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has allowed a Texas law requiring that doctors show sonograms to women seeking an abortion to be enforced. A lower court had prevented the law from being enforced but the 5th Circuit has now reveresed that ruling. The court, in an opinion by Judge Edith Jones,  noted that states are permitted to require doctors […]

Assisted suicide Death and dying Euthanasia International Suicide

Wesley Smith’s commentary on UK assisted suicide report

Here is a link to Wesley Smith’s insighful commentary on the recently issued report in the UK from the Commission on Assisted Dying.  Smith concludes that this report is further evidence that England “is undergoing a tragic slow motion moral collapse.” Richard M.

Abortion Legislation Sex-selection abortion

Chuck Colson essay on sex-selection abortion

Here is a good essay by Chuck Colson on sex-selection abortion and the Prenatal Discrimination Act. Richard M.

Abortion Conscience protection Court cases

NJ nurses settle case with hospital; conscience rights protected

Here is a story from the National Right to Life News reporting on the settlement of the case brought by nurses against a New Jersey hospital that had threatened the nurses’ jobs when the nurses refused to assist in abortions. The settlement is described as a victory by Matt Bowman, who represented the nurses. Bowman […]

Call for Papers Conferences University Faculty for Life

University Faculty for Life conference/call for papers

The call for papers for the next University Faculty for Life is in the latest issue of First Things (page 62 of the January 2012 issue). The conference (see will be at Brigham Young University Law School in Provo, Utah on June 1-2, 2012. The keynote speaker and recipient of the Smith Award for outstanding contributions […]


The Rape Exception

“On Abortion and Defining a ‘Person’” by Notre Dame Professor Gary Gutting is a provocative discussion of the implications of the recent defeat of Mississippi’s personhood amendment “for the logic of the abortion debate.”  Although most of the essay focuses on what the measure’s defeat reveals about people’s attitude toward the personhood of a fertilized […]


The Growing Problem of Abortion As Birth Control for Women With Children

The Growing Problem of Abortion As Birth Control for Women With Children by Lynn Wardle (posted 111214) An article posted in “Slate” on October 7, 2011, presents some telling statistics about abortion in the USA.  In “Most Surprising Abortion Statistic: The Majority of Women Who Terminate Pregnancies Are Already Mothers,” by Lauren Sandler, available at […]


“Still paying the price for eugenics’ evil”

That’s the title of a blog post (link below) by Wesley Smith in which Smith discusses the recent New York Times article on the sterilization program in North Carolina and the efforts underway to provide remedies to the thousands of victims. The New York Times article is noteworthy for many reasons. I thought it was interesting that […]


Father Miscamble’s defense of Harry Truman

Here is a link to Father Miscamble’s recent essay defending Harry Truman. Father Miscamble’s essay is a response to an earlier essay by Christopher Tollefsen in which Tollefsen criticizes Father Miscamble’s book (“The Most Controversial Decision”) about the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Tollefsen contends that Father Miscamble has abandoned a moral absolute–that the […]

Abortion Conscience protection

Michael Fragoso on conscience protection

Here is a link to Michael Fragoso’s recent essay on conscience on the Public Discourse blog. Fragoso discusses the efforts of ACOG and ABOG to limit the right to conscientious objection and the likely consequences of such efforts. As Fragoso states: “The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the American Board of Obstetricians and […]