Abortion Free Speech Politics

Quick addendum to clinic escort story

I recently blogged about the Ninth Circuit opinion requiring police to enforce the “Mother May I” or “speech free zones” against clinic escorts as well as sidewalk counselors here. Just discovered another story about Rev. Hoye’s prolife efforts in The Catholic Voice of Oakland Diocese. It seems he was behind the placement of several billboards […]

Abortion Bioethics Conscience protection Contraception Health Care Reform Philosophy Politics Presidential Actions

Yet another item on the Obama contraception mandate

Here is Prof. Christopher Tollefsen: “Contraception and Healthcare Rights.” I think it’s pretty carefully thought out and argued (one possible quibble based on a quick first reading would be with the “great gravity and urgency” criterion, though that probably has nothing to do with the point about contraception). And I think Tollefsen implicitly points to […]

Fetal anomolies and disabilities Fetal pain Health exception

Hospitals ban elective inductions before 39 weeks

Oregon papers are reporting that all-Portland area hospitals are prohibiting elective inductions and c-sections prior to 39 weeks gestation. “[R]esearch has shown that there is significant brain development going on right through 38 weeks. Babies born before 39 weeks of pregnancy are two to three times more likely to be admitted to intensive care as […]

Abortion Constitutionality Court cases Free Speech Sidewalk Counseling

Speech by Sidewalk Counselors and Clinic “Escorts” Must be Treated the Same

Walter Hoye, a California pastor and sidewalk counselor, filed a federal constitutional challenge to the City of Oakland’s “Mother May I” ordinance restricting speech outside abortion clinics after having been arrested twice for approaching women seeking to enter abortion clinics. The case is Hoye v. Oakland. Evidence in the case established the Pastor Hoye attempted […]

Conferences University Faculty for Life

William May to be plenary speaker at 2012 UFL Conference

I am delighted to report that Dr. William E. May has agreed to be a plenary speaker at the 2012 University Faculty for Life Conference to be held June 1-2, 2012 at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. Mark you calendars to attend our annual meeting now. Dr. May is emeritus Michael J. McGivney Professor […]

Abortion Central America Court cases International Religious views South America United Nations

Symposium on Gender Justice in the Americas: A Transnational Dialogue on Violence, Sexuality, Reproduction, and Human Rights

The Miami Law Review has published a symposium issue containing papers and talks given at the 2011 conference involving advocates and scholars from 20 countries in North and South America to explore Gender Justice in the Americas: A Transnational Dialogue on Violence, Sexuality, Reproduction, and Human Rights. The introduction to the symposium issue is now […]

Abortion Bioethics Philosophy

Waldron on “Equal Moral Status”

Jeremy Waldron has posted a paper arguing that the idea of every human being having “equal moral status” is useful only if we distinguish between “sortal” and “condition” status. He notes that the paper was originally prepared for the 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. He explains “sortal” and “condition” status this […]

Abortion Court cases Europe International Taxpayer funding

Austrians Debate Abortion in Public Hospitals

In 1974 Austria removed all criminal penalties for abortions in the first three months of pregancy. While most people interpret this action as making abortion legal, some public authorities argue that the change merely removed any penalty for conduct that remains illegal (or at least publiclly disfavored). The change was challenged on the basis that […]

Abortion Asia International Politics Population Control Sex-selection abortion

China’s One-Child Policy

The NYT reports that parents of infants in China are claiming that government officials are abducting their children and selling them on the black market. The story is here. Congressman Chris Smith (NJ), a staunch prolifer, has worked for years to awaken the American people and government to the evils of China’s one child policy. […]

Abortion Bioethics Conscience protection Contraception Death and dying Fetal anomolies and disabilities Medical abortion Organ Donation Philosophy Sexual practices Women's health

Speaking of the National Catholic Bioethics Center …

The new (Summer 2011) issue of their National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly arrived in my mailbox the other day. A few things of note from the contents: The “Colloquy” section includes an exchange of letters regarding an article in a previous NCBQ critical of philospher Fr. Martin Rhonheimer’s recent Vital Conflicts in Medical Ethics: A Virtue Approach to […]