Conscience protection Contraception Health Care Reform

Another resource on Obama contraceptive mandate

You might want to have a look at this National Catholic Bioethics Center statement, including its explanation of the importance of the HHS “call for comment,” lasting through September, regarding the definition of “religious employer.”

Abortion Contraception Research sites and suggestions

FDA warning on Evital emergancy contraception

The FDA has issued an a warning to consumers regarding Evital, an unapproved emergancy contraception pill. The warning can be found here. Commentators have noted that Plan B One Step and Next Choice are the only FDA approved emergency contraception drugs. The American Association of Prolife Obstetricians and Gynecologists have a webpage containing information on […]

University Faculty for Life

Welcome to Robert Gotcher, new UFL newsletter editor

At our June meeting the Board of Directors decided to reinstitute publication of “Pro Vita,” our association newsletter. We are excited to announce that Dr. Robert F. Gotcher has agreed to serve as editor for the next three years. Dr. Gotcher most recently served as Associate Professor of Systematic Studies at Sacred Heart School of […]

Abortion Human embryos Stem cell research

Can you be prolife and support embryonic stem cell research?

Prof. Greg Dolin says yes in his article, A Defense fo Embryonic Stem Cell Research, on SSRN. Originally published in Fall 2009 issue of the Indiana Law Journal, Prof. Dolin argues that the fact that an embryo is a human life does not morally preclude all destructive stem cell research and that a person can […]

Abortion Conscience protection Presidential Actions University Faculty for Life

New SSRN posting of scholarly articles on conscience

UFL member Lynn Wardle has posted two of his articles on the need to protect the rights of conscience on SSRN. I have described SSRN in a previous post here. Professor Wardle’s article, Protection of Healthcare Providers’ Rights of Conscience in American Law: Present, Past, and Future, is part of a series of articles presented […]

Abortion Central America International South America United Nations

Western nations pressuring Latin American nations to liberalize abortion laws

Here is a link to a story from the Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute on Western nations who are misusing the UN Human Rights Process to pressure nations in Latin America to liberalize their abortion laws. This is a part of a worrisome trend of pro-abortions forces attempting to use a non-existent international right to […]

Abortion Assisted Reproduction Bioethics Canada Eugenics Human embryos International Surrogacy

G. Annas “Assisted Reproduction – Canada’s Supreme Court and the “Global Baby”

The August 4 issue of New England Journal of Medicine contains an article by Prof. George Annas entitled Assisted Reproduction – Canada’s Supreme Court and the “Global Baby“. He adopts the phrase “global baby” from a Wall Street Journal article found here about the growth of human surrogacy as an international trade. Prof. Annas notes […]

Abortion Feminism International United Nations

UN-Women report silent on abortion

This post falls into the “good news/bad news” category. The new United Nations Office, UN-Women, has published its 2011 report on the status of women, Progress of the World’s Women: In Pursuit of Justice. The full report was originally available here, but the link currently does not work. The report focuses on four key areas: […]

Abortion Conscience protection Contraception Health Care Reform Philosophy Politics Presidential Actions Religious views Sexual practices University Faculty for Life

One more post on the contraception-coverage mandate

Yesterday I linked Helen Alvaré’s comments on the recent Obama Admin decision. Here are a couple of additional pieces. One is political scientist Michael New’s “Our Fears Are Realized.” Prof. New has presented some of his research on the effects of abortion laws at a UFL conference. Another is by Greg Pfundstein: “The Misguided Birth-Control […]

Abortion Fetal anomolies and disabilities

New York Times magazine article on Down syndrome

Here is a link to a story in the National Right to Life News about a very interesting article in the New York Times Sunday magazine (of July 31, 2011). The magazine article is very touching. It tells the story of Dr. Alberto Costa and his daughter Tyche who has Down syndrome. Dr. Costa is a doctor […]