UFL Life and Learning Conference 2008

Eighteenth Annual Conference
"Life and Learning XVIII"
Coming May 30 - June 1, 2008
Marquette University

Life and Learning XVIII will enable pro-life faculty to deepen their understanding of basic life issues in their political, social, legal, historical, psychological, ethical, and religious dimensions.

University Faculty for Life is a non-denominational, multi-disciplinary organization which welcomes the membership and participation of all pro-life faculty members in institutions of higher education. In 2008 its annual conference will be held at Marquette University. Attendance is open to current or former members of college, university, and seminary faculty and their spouses, and to others by individual request.

The conference will begin early on the afternoon of Friday, May 30th. Conference fees as well as accommodation information and cost will be available soon.

UFL is pleased to have Dr. Edmund Pellegrino (Chairman of the President's Council on Bioethics) delivering a plenary address at the 2008 UFL conference. Dr. Pellegrino will also receive the Smith Award for distinguished contributions to pro-life scholarship.

Call for Proposals

Please contact Professor Frank Beckwith with paper proposals:

Frank Beckwith, PhD
Assoc. Dir., JM Dawson Inst. Baylor University
Waco, TX

fbeckwith [at] mac [dot] com