Letter from the President

Dear University Faculty for Life Member:

I write to encourage you to renew your UFL membership for 2008. All the pertinent information is on the attached form, or on the UFL website here. Please also update your contact information.

The highlight of 2007 was our annual conference. On June 1-3, 2007, we met at Villanova University. The conference was funded in part by a generous grant from Our Sunday Visitor Institute and by Ave Maria School of Law. This conference was expertly organized by Jeanne Heffernan Schindler and we are all grateful to Jeanne for her tremendous work on this conference.

The 2007 conference was marked by two fine plenary talks by Helen Alvare and David L. Schindler. The Rupert and Timothy Smith Award for Distinguished Contributions to Pro-Life Scholarship was presented to Dr. Jack and Barbara Willke. The banquet featured an address by Serrin Foster (President, Feminists for Life) and a benefit concert by the pianist Valentin Radu.

The 2007 conference also featured an incredible variety of scholarly presentations from a wide range of disciplines and the warm fellowship that characterizes UFL gatherings.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Father Joe Koterski S. J. (Fordham) for his work in editing our annual Life & Learning volumes. These volumes are a tremendous resource and have earned much praise. Father Richard John Neuhaus noted that a recent UFL volume "is packed with some of the sharpest thinking about the theory, practice, and prospects of the pro-life cause." I am grateful for Father Koterski's efforts in making the scholarship of UFL members available to a wide audience.


Richard S. Myers
President University Faculty for Life
Professor of Law, Ave Maria School of Law