UFL Life and Learning Conference 2009

Now is the time to mark your calendar!
Nineteenth Annual Conference
"Life and Learning XIX"
Coming June 5 - June 7, 2009
University of St. Thomas Law School
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Life and Learning XIX will enable pro-life faculty to deepen their understanding of basic life issues in their political, social, legal, historical, psychological, ethical, and religious dimensions.

University Faculty for Life is a non-denominational, multi-disciplinary organization which welcomes the membership and participation of all pro-life faculty members in institutions of higher education. In 2009 its annual conference will be held at the University of St. Thomas Law School. Attendance is open to current or former members of college, university, and seminary faculty and their spouses, and to others by individual request.

The Conference will begin at 2:00pm on Friday, June 5th  and end with a banquet on Saturday night. There will be optional religious services on Sunday morning. The $60 Conference fee will cover all sessions, the opening reception, refreshments between sessions, a light breakfast, and the closing banquet. University housing will be available.

UFL is pleased to have Professor Therese Collett of the University of St. Thomas Law School as our local host.

Call for Papers!

UFL members are invited to present a paper or a detailed outline by April 3, 2009 to:
Francis J. Beckwith
UFL Program Chair
Notre Dame Center for Ethics & Culture
University of Notre Dame
1047 Flanner Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556

fbeckwith [at] mac [dot] com