Welcome to University Faculty for Life!
Who we are University Faculty for Life was founded in 1989 to promote research, dialogue and publication by faculty who respect the value of human life from inception to natural death. Abortion, infanticide and euthanasia are highly controversial topics, but we believe they should not be resolved by the shouting, newsbites and slogans that have dominated popular presentations. Because we believe the evidence is on our side, we would like to assure a hearing for our views in the academic community. Our three basic issues (abortion, infanticide and euthanasia) have many dimensions -- political, social, legal, medical, biological, psychological, ethical and religious. We do not have a detailed statement of orthodoxy; rather we have provided an interdisciplinary forum in which scholars can discuss these issues. Since 1990 the UFFL has published a quarterly newsletter named Pro Vita. Beginning in 1991 it has held an annual Conference at various university campuses, and, since 1992 the Conference proceedings have been published in book form and distributed to UFFL members and hundreds of university libraries. We have sent letters to public figures who misstate biological facts and submitted several amicus curiae briefs on the life issues to the Supreme Court. The media regularly show pro-life people as mindless zealots. We hope our presence will change that image. We also believe that academicians united on these issues can encourage others to speak out in their own schools and communities.
Goals of UFFL
To provide a forum to foster multidisciplinary dialogue and collaboration among professors concerned about human life. This includes a newsletter, an annual conference and published proceedings.
To educate the community about life issues and the reasons behind pro-life positions. To this end we encourage and disseminate scholarly research by means of conferences, symposia, published proceedings, newsletters, book notices and reviews.
To make available academic materials and resources for pro-life groups, including a web site, bibliographies and videotapes of conferences and lectures. A directory of members will indicate those prepared to speak on these life issues.