UFFL Membership Application and Donation Info

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Regular members are current or former (full-time or part-time) faculty members from any university or college who agree with the goals of UFFL to promote dialogue, research and publication respectful of human life from conception to natural death. Associate members are those who do not meet the requirements for regular membership but who agree with the goals of UFFL.

By applying for UFFL membership, I affirm the following: "I have read and agree with the goals of University Faculty for Life, Inc., and I agree not to engage in any illegal activity in my capacity as a UFFL member."

If you are interested in membership, please print out the form for regular or for associate membership, and return it to the address below along with a check ($40.00 for regular members or $10.00 for associate members) made out to "UFFL".

Membership dues can also be paid online through PayPal.

Membership Type

Some have expressed concern that their pro-life stand might be used against them in hiring or promotion. Please indicate with your application if you want your name omitted from the web site membership directory.

Please tell your pro-life academic friends about our organization!


UFFL is a 501(c) 3 organization. If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation, please send your check made out to UFFL to the address above or you can donate online:

If you would like further information please contact

Margaret Hughes, Ph.D.
UFFL Secretary & ProVita Editor
University Faculty for Life
Thomas Aquinas College
231 Main Street
Northfield, MA 01360