Title |
Page |
Preface |
Acknowledgements |
IX |
Bioethics & Medical Ethics
Bioethics, the Christian Citizen, and the Pluralist Game Francis
Beckwith |
3 |
The Doubling Undone? Double Effect in Recent Medical Ethics J.
L. A. Garcia |
17 |
Legal Perspectives
Surveying the Foundations of Medical Law: A Reassessment of Glanville
Williams's The Sanctity of Life and the Criminal Law John
Keown and David Jones |
43 |
Response to Professors Keown and Jones William L. Saunders, Jr. |
94 |
The Supreme Court and Abortion:
The Implications of Gonzales v. Carhart (2007)Richard S.
Myers |
103 |
Gonzales v. Carhart: Abortion Law that
Looks Like Family LawHelen M. Alvare |
129 |
Contradictory Approaches to "Standing" in Federal Courts for the
Unborn and for Animal Species C. Bermeo Newcombe |
171 |
Culture of
Deep Ecology and the Culture of Death Anne Barbeau Gardiner |
179 |
Denying the Ill Effects of Abortion Marcella Colbert |
191 |
A Metaphysics of Love and Embodiment:
Abortion as the Retroactive Destruction of the Spousal ActMaria
Fedoryka |
203 |
Freedom and the Dignity of the Poor:
Against the Alien Abortion Agenda in UgandaJeffrey R. Adams and
Karen K. Adams |
213 |
Personhood Question
Construction, Development, and Revelopment Richard Stith |
243 |
Natural Kinds, Persons, and Abortion Laura Garcia |
257 |
Personhood, the Soul, and Non-Conscious Human Beings: Some Critical
Reflections on Recent Forms of Argumentation within the Pro-Life
Movement Peter J. Colosi |
277 |
Stem Cell
The Good News of Adult Stem Cell Research: Working Towards the
Common Good John F. Morris |
307 |
Altered Nuclear Transfer and
the Status of the Human Person (for table #2 noted in the text -
click here) Dolors J. Meehan |
325 |
The Moral Status of the Oocyte Kimberly Zenarolla |
353 |
Altered Nuclear Reprogramming
and Efficient Causality E. Christian Brugger |
369 |
in Medicine and Nursing
Should Advanced Practice Nurses Perform Abortions? Debate in the
Profession Carolyn A Laabs |
503 |
The Influence of Religiosity on Contraceptive Use and Abortion in the
United States Richard J. Fehring and Jennifer Ohlendorf |
399 |
Liberty Questions
With Liberty and
Justice for All? A National Perspective on the Escalating Threats to
Religious Liberty Directed at Limiting the Impact of Church Ministries
and the Pro-Life MovementMarie T. Hilliard |
417 |
The Conscience of the
Pharmacist John J. Conley, S.J. |
431 |
Reading the Signs of
Death: A Theological Analysis Grattan T. Brown |
441 |
Death, Life and
the "God" Question Gregory J. Coulter |
455 |
Liberal Societies
and the Foundations of Human Dignity: The Dramatic Nature of Human
Action David L. Schindler, Sr |
469 |
The Human Embryo:
The Person and the Gift Brian V.
Johnstone, C.SS.R. |
489 |
Emile Zola:
Improbable Defender of Life Mary Shivanandan |
509 |
Abortion and Emily
Dickinson: Sex, Religion and Romanticism in the Marriage Group Poems
Bernadette Waterman Ward |
529 |
Abortion in Modern Arabic Literature
Jeff Koloze |
545 |
Winds of Change: Do
Bush's Recent Supreme Court Appointees Mean the End of FACE?
Mattei Radu |
563 |
Proposition 85: Was It Pro-Life Suicide?
Damian P. Fedoryka |
601 |
Missouri 2006: A
Perfect Storm - Post-Mortem on the Missouri Stem Cell and Cures
Initiative Christopher Anadale and
Albert Bruecken, O.S.B. |
601 |
We're All
Traditionalists Now: The Priority of Praxis to Theoria for the Culture
War Thaddeus J. Kozinski |
635 |
John Locke and the
Heart of Modern Gnosticism Mark Shiffman |
649 |
Abortion, Prudence, and Solidarity
James G. Hanink |
655 |
Abortion and Evil Roberta Bayer |
669 |
About Our
Contributors |
687 |
UFL Boards |
697 |